t h r e e

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Hey guys here is chapter three! Enjoy! It's currently being revised/edited, looked further into!

t h r e e

"Matthew I don't know- thank you for- this,"

I say as I hide my face in embarrassment and prior to covering all my bruises. It's a little too late now though.

Im sure that I have "abused" written all over my face.

"Actually you should thank your mom, she brought me here."

And in the midst of this conversation.
I remembered that a week had passed since I was supposed to see my mother.

"My m-mom?..." I stutter.

"Yea she said she was getting worried about you." Matthew sincerely says.

"Look ay yourself, Elle your hazel eyes aren't twinkling like the last time I saw you," He says with a saddened smile.

God that made me feel.

Hopeless? At the same time...


That he remembers me. Maybe cares for me.

"You're not okay Elle."

"I am though." It hurts to lie to him like this. It hurts to say something that I am not. I'm not okay. Nowhere near "okay."

Getting away with lies with him will be hard practically because he knows me well.

"No. Have you been abused this whole time."

I make a nervous face.

"Two years." "Only"

Matthew suddenly stands up.

"Brandon is going to pay. For treating you like shit. For making your past two years this wrecked.

"Fuck him for all of this. Fuck him for hurting you in such a way. You're the kindest girl I've ever laid my eyes on . For him to dim your shining hazel eyes like so. He drained your soul out of your eyes and strained the light from it."

To hurt your delicate heart. And shatter it without a second thought. "Stupid little bitch,I'm sorry, for coming a little to late and letting him hurt you deeper."

I look away- not saying anything. If anything I should be embarrassed. For creating this mess.

"Does your mom know about this?"

I return my gaze towards Matthew. I open my eyes in shock.

"Please don't tell her. Please Matthew."

"At least N-not yet," I say stuttering.

"I won't." he says with a reassuring smile. But now we have to get you out of here."

"Brandon, he will get furious and haunt you down when he sees this." I say worried.

"Not if I haunt him down first," Matthew says.

Matthew isn't the type to get involved in these things.

I dread him getting into these things.

He's a calm, and cool gentleman.
He would never ever lay his hands on a girl.

Him and I.
We have some history.
Here and there.
Nothing too serious, except when I broke his heart.

In more than two pieces.

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