f o u r t e e n

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AUTHORS NOTE:Besides being soooo busy with everything I'm here today! Hope you guys like the chapter! Leave me all your comments because the countdown begins

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Besides being soooo busy with everything I'm here today! Hope you guys like the chapter! Leave me all your comments because the countdown begins. The last 4-5 chapters of the story begin now!

Song: Run by: Jesse & Joy (I love this song SOOO much, please turn it on!)

f o u r t e e n

Broken and guilt-filled I hesitated on my previous decision.

If what I had done had been the right choice?

Sitting in my moms living room, her words really affected me and reflected upon my decisions.

"Elle, you broke the man. I know Ashton didn't deserve none of this."

"You closed his world and everything came building up to this and crashing down his world."

"No need to smear it all over my face as I'm not already aware, mom."

"In that case, take back your words."

"I really can't."

"I can't swallow them back, mom. I just c-can't."

"Pay him a visit. I'm sure he needs it."

"Mom you don't understand."

"I've been there Elle, done that."

"Just call him first and tomorrow visit him, after all it's late now."

I just couldn't handle it all at one anymore.

Truth be told my Mom was right.
She had all the reasons to be right.

I had to call Ashton.

And so I did, picked up the phone and tapped under "Ashy Hubby 💗"

I remembered the day in which he changed his contact name. I've never been an emoji girl but he changed it himself.

We had been together in his bed fooling around like dorks...

...On the phone though. As he messed with my contacts, I messed with his.

Out of everything he changed his name to "Ashy hubby" and now that I think about it, he'd been dropping hints ever since.

Of course, I was too blind to ever see this would one day happen. Earlier than I ever would imagine.


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