Chapter 2-

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"Where is Derek? He said for us to come here after school and he isn't even here!" Lydia says annoyed twirling her hair as we all stand in middle of his loft.

"Something isn't right." Scott states as Stiles gives him a look to say 'well of course something isn't right!' There's a monster killing werewolves in Beacon Hills and now Derek isn't here! God he better be okay, Stiles prays to himself.

"Someone call him, my phone went flat during third period." Isaac says taking a seat on the couch next to Kira and Lydia.

"Don't bother." A familiar but exhausted voice calls from the door making everyone turn around to find Derek holding onto the door frame looking at them all. His shirt bloody with claw marks slashed against his chest. Stiles' blood runs cold... Derek is injured... the monster attacked him... how badly is he hurt? Wait why am I so concerned about him? He looks like he hasn't slept for days though... am I staring at him? I should look somewhere else in case I am.

"What happened?" Stiles suddenly said breaking the silence and distracting him from his own thoughts but surprising himself with how concerned his voice had just sounded.

"It's called a Nagual." Derek says walking into the room and taking a seat at the table with a slight wince.

"What the hell is a Nagual?" Isaac questions turning towards Derek.

"A shapeshifter, like us but a 10 times more stronger, faster and powerful. It has a human form but has the power to shift physically into a jaguar. It is believed that the creature can use its powers for good or evil according to its human personality." Derek explains putting his head in his hands.

"Well I am getting a slight feeling this Nagual doesn't have a very good human personality." Malia mutters.

"It followed Stiles' jeep from school earlier." Derek continues. It did what? Stiles questions in his head. "I got its attention and led it away, hence why I'm late."

"And why your bleeding!" Stiles spits out again annoyed with how concerned his voice was.

"I'm fine." Derek said in his usual annoyed/grumpy tone he uses on Stiles way to often.

"What does this Naguel want? Why did it kill Erica and Boyd?" Scott asks.

"I don't know." Was the only reply Derek gave as he stood up shaking his head, back facing the pack. Stiles saw the glimmer of water in Derek's eyes as he stood up but the rest of the pack weren't looking.

"Derek-" Stiles begins to say but the look Derek gave him made him stop.

"Then what do you know?" Scott asks carefully noticing the sudden tension in Derek's stance.

"It's an alpha but it's pack has been killed and I think it believes we killed them, so he wants our pack gone."

"He? So you have spoken to it?" Lydia questions from the couch.

"When I led it away from Stiles jeep into the woods it tried killing me and kept shouting 'I will kill you all' I managed to land a solid cut to his stomach and it took off but it's blood turned grey."

"You mean black right?" Malia asks and Derek shakes his head.

"No light grey like this." Derek says holding his hands out which were a mixture of dry blood and a dry grey liquid. Okay now that is weird.

"Why did it turn colour? Was it dying?" Isaac questions but Derek shrugs his shoulders unable to answer the question.

"Wait why weren't either Erica or Boyd's hands or claws grey with its blood, they just had red blood on their hands from defending themselves not grey." Stiles says trying to put two and two together.

"That's why I am confused." Derek says not knowing what else to say to his pack.

"What are we going to do?" Scott asks looking up at his alpha.

"I want you guys to go to Lydia's mums lake house until I workout how to kill it."

"No." Stiles quickly says. "We aren't leaving you here, in case you didn't notice it wants our pack dead and you are sorta the alpha of the pack! We aren't leaving you here."

"He has a point Derek." Scott adds nodding towards Stiles.

"I can't keep you guys safe." And there it was, he doesn't want another member of the pack to die, he thinks it's his fault he let the Erica and Boyd die. "You need to get out of town at least until I figure out how to kill it."

"Derek it wasn't your fault." Lydia says softly thinking the same thing we all were.

"Erica and Boyd died when I should have been taking care of them! I should have thought something was up the minute I realised they were usually home by then. I was the one who turned them, I brought them into this supernatural world and it's my fault they are no longer in it." Derek snaps. "And I won't have another one of you guys dying, not again."

"Then come with us to the lake house." Isaac suggests and they all nod.

"I can't." Derek says shaking his head and punching the cement pillar next to him, causing everyone to flinch.

"Derek?" Stiles says softly taking a step closer to the man who was leaning against the pillar, back to the pack. "What aren't you telling us?"

"Just go!" He shouts still facing away from the pack.

"Derek-" Scott tries to say but gets cut off.

"You guys leave for the lake house tonight, it's not safe here. I will meet you there tomorrow and we will work out how to kill it. Scott, Isaac, Malia listen to my heart beat, I promise I will meet you at the lake house in the morning, I just have something I gotta do first."

Nobody moves, they don't want to leave but they know if they stay they could end up like Erica and Boyd. "Guys go!" Derek shouts flashing his red eyes.

"You guys go ahead, I have to ask Derek something. Everyone meet at Scotts in an hour ready to leave?" Stiles suggests and they all nod in agreement before walking out.

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