Chapter 12-

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After a few minutes they come across a larger piece. "McCall I can't lift it, I need help." Without hesitation Scott grabs the cement and pulls with all his strength but the cement doesn't even budge.

"I can't, I can't lift it." Scott says in panic trying to lift it again with Isaac and Malia's help but with no luck.

"Scott, you're a true alpha!" Argent yells. "You can do it! You can lift the little piece of cement! You're a true alpha werewolf! Now lift the cement!" Chris encourages and with that Scott tries again. Muscles flexing underneath his jacket and he shouts in pain as he lifts the cement, chest buffing as his eyes glow alpha red as he throws it to the side.

"Thank fuck for that." Stiles breaths looking up at his friends and Derek shakily sits on his knees allowing Stiles to stand up out the pile of rubble to greet his friends.

"I'm so glad you're alive." He hears Scott say to Stiles behind him as they hug.

"Holy shit, Derek." Chris says in shock as the pack look over at their alpha on his knees half facing away from them. His shirtless back covered in cuts, blood and bruises and even under all the mess they could tell he was deadly pale.

"I'm fine. I'm fine." He mutters falling back onto his hands and knees with a groan lifting one hand over the wound from the iron rod.

"That's far from fine." Scott responds letting go of his best friend but not wanting to leave Stiles side, not when he was hurt. The rest of the pack stare in shock not knowing what to do.

"Argent, inside the b-building is he alive?" Derek manages to ask between breaths. Chris didn't know exactly what werewolf meant but the way Derek looked at him and look on Stiles face, he had a slight idea. So he ran into the standing part of the building, disappearing through the hole in the wall.

"Derek what's going on?" Isaac asks watching his alpha on the ground a few meters in front of him unsure on how to help him.

Derek just shakes his head, fingers shaking while keeping pressure on the worst wound he has. He manages to get up on his knees again, he has to get to Peter. He has to be alive, he can't just die, not like this. He was just finally beginning to get his uncle back, Malia was just beginning to see her father for the man he use to be before the fire. He wasn't 100% good, he never was but he wasn't a complete psychopath either. He died trying to save Derek and Stiles, Peter could have easily ran away but instead he went to rescue them. He can't be dead, he was trying to save us, he can't be dead, it's my fault. He can't be. Derek forces himself onto his feet wincing at the erupting pain it caused. I have to get to a peter.

"Probably not a good idea." Stiles comments leaving Scott's side jogging over to Derek, who nearly falls straight back down but grabs the cement wall next to him as he groans. "Told you so." Stiles mutters from next to him.

"Scott a little help we need to get him to the car." Stiles says and the whole pack starts to walk towards the two men ready to help their leader when Chris comes running around the corner and they all freeze seeing the look on his face.

"I'm sorry Derek." Chris says shaking his head with an sympathetic look on his face.

Stiles freezes, he saw Peter die but he always thought the man would somehow come back... like he always does.

Derek suddenly drops to the ground no longer able to hold himself up or just doesn't even care any more, the pack wasn't sure and were really confused on what was happening. Derek's knees hit the hard ground below him and he roars in pain and mourning. If he could cry he would, but his eyes had watered too much the past couple days, he had nothing left. He felt Stiles' hand on his shoulder but he didn't have the energy to push it off.

"Malia." He says softly forcing himself to look over at the young girl who looked confused but scared at the same time and Derek knew she could sense it. "It's my fault, P-Peters dead, I'm s-sorry." Derek says closing his eyes as he felt his body hit the ground hard, head smashing against the ground.

"Derek!" Stiles voice somewhere yells and Derek opens his eyes just enough to see a blurry figure of Stiles next to him. He looks past the man to find Malia who was crying into Lydia's arms. It's his fault, he thinks to himself as he closes his eyes in what feels like the last time. But he was okay with that.

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