Chapter 6-

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"Stop it!" Stiles yells desperately tears rolling down his cheeks as he cradles his arm which he is assuming is broken. The Nagual got a little pissed at him for all his smartass, sarcastic comments and stomped on his arm. He heard a snap and from the pain it caused and by the look Derek had in his eyes he was pretty sure it's broken. The pain is excruciating but he's more focused and concerned about Derek.

"He clearly doesn't know where the alpha is, stop it!" He tries again and the Nagual just laughs as he digs the wolfsbane knife deeper into Derek's shoulder. To his credit Derek hasn't screamed once, his eyes plastered shut from pain and face in a grimace. Stiles could only imagine the pain soaring through the man right now, he is covered in cuts and slashes and his whole body is just a mess of dark bruises and blood, that's what 3 solid hours of torture does. But that isn't the part that's scaring Stiles, it's the fact that half those injuries occurred 2 hours ago and they still haven't healed!

"Are you ready to tell me?" The Nagual questions pulling his knife out of Derek's oozing shoulder and his grunts in pain.

"Go to hell." Derek mutters as he glances over at Stiles, the kid looked terrified, his eyes were red and watery. He hates the fact that Stiles is seeing him like this and hates the fact that the poor man doesn't have a choice but to watch.

"Fine plan B." The Nagual says turning to face Stiles. "You human, tell me where and who the Alpha is or I will up the torture level for your friend who I am sensing means a lot to you."

Stiles looks over at Derek who was already looking at him with a sympathetic smile and mouths 'its okay' and Stiles shakes his head.

"This is far from okay!" He snaps standing up from his seated position. "You can't do this!"

"Oh but I am and I will." The Nagual snarls with that grin that sends shivers up Stiles spin.

"Where is the other alpha?"

"I don't know! Fuck." Stiles shouts when the Nagual electrocutes the werewolf again. Stiles closes his eyes unable to watch as Derek's body arches in pain against the wall, groaning and trying to catch his breath at the same time. "Don't tell him." Derek groans.

"Where is he?!" It yells still holding the rod against Derek's wounded body.

Stiles shakes his head. "Fuck!" He can't tell him where Scott is because he will kill Scott! He will kill his best friend! He can't let that happen, but that means Derek has to suffer and it's his fault. "I'm sorry Der, I- I can't, I can't." Stiles says as another tear escapes his eye.

Derek opens his eyes grinding his teeth as the electricity soars through his body. "I know. It's-its okay."

"Where is he!?" The Nagual yells again this time angrier.

"I'm sorry." Stiles says not to the Nagual but to Derek who nods showing Stiles that it's okay. But it clearly wasn't as the Nagual storms out the room.

Before Stiles even gets a chance to say anything it storms back in holding a thick iron rod and runs straight at Derek impaling it into Derek's lower left abdomen and that's when Derek can't hold back anymore. He screams in agony and all Stiles can do is watch as the man pushes the rod in further until Stiles is sure the rod is through the cement wall too.

"This is your fault kid, remember that!" The Nagual says turning to Stiles. "One way or another, someone will tell me about this alpha." It says walking out the room, "my name is James by the way." He says as he slams the metal door behind him.

Stiles instantly looks at Derek, his body covered in blood, bruises and gashes. His shirt ripped to shreds and Stiles is shocked it's still on his body. But the worst was the iron rod currently in Derek's stomach, it was oozing blood and looked awfully painful. Derek's skin was now pale, but he's not sure if it's from the rod or from all the wolfsbane knife wounds that aren't even showing any sign of healing yet. His head was dangling with his chin resting on his chest and Stiles could tell he was breathing sharply. "Derek?"

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