Chapter 7-

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The pack sit in silence at Derek's loft. His loft had turned into the meeting place for the pack and was a safe place if any of them needed a place to crash, Derek made that clear to them all and Scott smiles remembering it. Derek may be the big bad alpha wolf but Scott worked out quickly that he cares for the pack more than anyone even him sometimes. Derek had saved each pack members life more than once even when it put his own life in danger and for that Scott is happy to have a leader like Derek. Which is why right now him and the pack are freaking out. They cannot find Derek and Stiles! Stiles! His best friend since kindergarten! The two were never split, it was always Stiles and Scott against the world and right now Scott didn't know what to do.

"Guys!" Lydia shouts and they turn to her at the kitchen table, all praying that she doesn't sense the missing pack members are going to die.

"What is it?" Malia questions as everyone else froze in fear.

"Has anyone thought of asking Danny to track Stiles phone and pin point where they are?" Everyone goes silent. How has no one thought of that?

"Call Danny right now!" Scott responds and Isaac quickly pulls his phone out.

"On it." He says dialling the number.

*30 minutes later*

Danny walks into the loft with his familiar smile and everyone runs over to him.

"Danny!" They shout and he laughs not knowing why it's so important for him to track Stiles phone.

"I don't feel comfortable doing this, can you tell me why you want me to practically stalk Stiles?" Danny asks as he sets his laptop down on the table and the pack look around at each other not knowing what to say.

"You cannot tell anyone, but Stiles and another friend have just disappeared, we haven't seen them for a couple days." Scott says half truthfully.

"Has anyone told his dad?" Danny questions and they all shake their head. "He's the Sheriff!" And they all shrug their shoulders.

"Please Danny, the Sheriff can't know because he will freak out. You can track Stiles phone and tell us where he is and then we will bring home. Please." Kira says and Danny nods getting to work on his laptop. "Thank you!"

*10 minutes later*

"Alright looks like he's in the middle of some forest outside of New York, you see that dot? That's where his phone is." Danny says pointing to the screen and Scott downloads it on his phone.

"Thank you Danny you're a lift saver!" Scott says. "Lydia call your Mr Argent we will need his help." Scott says not needing to add the fact that Derek couldn't fight the Nagual off so the four of them definitely didn't stand a chance even though he was turning into an alpha.


"How are we going to get out of here?" Stiles asks looking over at Derek who lifts his head to look him, the alpha looked exhausted and Stiles knew even if they could get the chains off the chances of Derek being able to fight was pretty slim.

"I will work something out." Derek says trying to hide the pain in his voice. "I will make sure you get out of here."

"What about yourself?" Stiles questions not liking how Derek worded his last comment.

"As long as you get out it's all that matters, I won't let what happened to Erica and Boyd happen to anyone else especially you. If I can distract the Nagual long enough for you to somehow get out of here I will." Derek says looking at Stiles with his puppy eyes.

"Don't say that."

"What?" Derek questions looking confused.

"Don't say stuff like that. Theres no way in hell I'm leaving you here to die." Stiles says in a angry tone.

"Maybe that won't be such a bad thing." Derek mumbles looking at the ground. "Everyone around me gets hurt, you'll be better off without me."

Stiles is literally speechless, he always knew what to say in situations but right now he's got nothing. He never knew Derek felt like this, Derek was always the big bad alpha werewolf and hearing him talk about himself that way made Stiles feel sick to the stomach.

"Not everyone gets hurt around you." Stiles says trying to make Derek think differently but he shakes his head.

"You're hurt right now Stiles, my family all died because of me, Erica and Boyd are dead, Jackson nearly died. They would have all been better off without me." Derek says avoiding Stiles eyes.

"Well I don't believe that because if you die I will literally go out of my fricken mind." Stiles responds in a serious tone. "You see death doesn't happen to you, Derek. It happens to everyone around you, okay? All the people left standing at your funeral, trying to figure out how they are going to live the rest of their lives now without you in it!" He shouts louder than he expected.

"Sorry." Was all Derek said shaking his head and closing his eyes. Everyone he loves and cares for always gets hurt and dies but he won't let that happen to Stiles, no matter the cost.

"Just don't say anything like that again, you have people who care about you like family, including me." Stiles responds kindly. "Anyway in all seriousness how the hell are we gonna get out of here?"

Before Derek could respond the door slams open and a familiar face appears. "With help from me."

"Oh my god." Stiles mutters both happy yet annoyed that Peter walked in the room.

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