Chapter 13-

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Everything was black, there was a faint beeping noise in the background somewhere but he couldn't determine where. He couldn't move or open eyes and Derek suddenly knew he was either dead or very close to be. Then he heard a squeak of a door being opened and then a chair moving slowly.

"I know you have only been my alpha for a few months but I need you Derek. You're the only family I have left." Malia's soft voice says. "I don't know if you can hear me, Stiles told me to come talk to you so you wouldn't be alone while he had surgery and if I'm behind honest I didn't want to be alone either. You told me it was your fault that Peter died but I wasn't stupid I knew it wasn't from the start. You have saved my life many times during the past few months, and if I have taken anything away from that it is that you protect your family no matter what. I know my fathers death wasn't your fault. But on the way back to Beacon Hills Stiles told me what happened. You might blame yourself but I don't blame you, Peter died trying to save you guys, he died a hero and I don't blame you Derek. I just need you to know that. I need you to wake up because I won't be able to live with myself if my alpha... my cousin dies thinking I probably hate him." Malia's voice says and Derek could sense the sadness in her tone.

"Stiles is worried sick about you, he should be out of surgery for his broken arm soon. Melissa says that he keeps mumbling your name in his sleep. The pack thinks it's quiet amusing but I think it proves just how worried he is about you that he even cares about you when he isn't awake. I know you two have a mutual bond that neither of you understand or talk about or want to, I don't know. But if you can't think of any reason to push through this and wake up, if you can't find any reason to keep fighting because you think you have nothing left or you're not worth it. Then do it for Stiles. Push through this for him because he needs you just as much as you need him." Malia says as the sound of the door opening again fills the room. Suddenly he could sense six heart beats, he focuses on each individual one. Malia. Scott. Isaac. Kira. Lydia. Melissa McCall. Nobody talking, just silence.

"Is he going to wake up?" Scott asks shakily braking the silence flooding the room.

"His injuries are severe." Melissa's voice says.

"How severe?" Isaac asks his voice just as shaky as Scott's.

"Lets just say, if he was human he would have been dead 10 times by now." Melissa answers. "But he isn't healing, Deaton said he can't do anything to help because it's caused by the wolfsbane. But if by some miracle he wakes up we have to give him this injection which Deaton said will somehow boost his strength to fight the wolfsbane. But he's lost a lot of blood, his heart beat is getting slower, he isn't showing any signs of waking up."

"Why can't you give him the injection now?" Lydia questions, confused.

"Because if I do it now while he is unconscious it will kill him." Melissa answers. "But by the extent of his body right now I don't think it matters."

"What are you trying to say?" Malia asks with a hint of anger in her voice but mainly sadness.

"I'm sorry honey, I don't think Derek will ever wake up." Melissa says. "Do you want me to go tell Stiles or do one of you?"

"Can you?" Scott's rasp voice asks.

"Of course sweetheart." And with that he hears the familiar sound of the door opening and closing once again.

Everything goes silent and he couldn't tell what the pack was doing or thinking. He needed to wake up! He needed to get up out of this bed and be the alpha they need, be the leader they need. He doesn't deserve them but by god does he need them, they were his family as much as he'd hate to admit it, Stiles was right. They were his family, and you don't leave family behind. Even if it would be the easy option out, no more pain, no more guilt, no more suffering, just death. But he couldn't do that to his pack, no, he couldn't do that to his family.

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