Chapter 5-

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"You roar to signal your pack then the human will get a bullet to the skull and unlike you I highly doubt he will survive that." The Nagual says taking another step closer to the werewolf. "Now you are going to tell me where the other alpha is." The Nagual stated, standing a few meters in front of Derek and Stiles heart starts to beat faster, it knows about Scott... they're screwed.

Derek just stares at the man, jaw clenching and Stiles knew this guy was wasting his time, Derek doesn't even know where Scott is and even if he did it's clear he won't be saying where.

"Where is he?!"

"Now why would tell you that?" Derek questions raising his eye brow and Stiles couldn't help but smile slightly at Derek's response.

"Because my friend, I am the one with the electric rod while you are tied up, now where is the other alpha?" But Derek doesn't respond just stares back at the man.

"Fine if you won't tell me where he is then who is the second alpha? Who is the true alpha?!" The man shouts causing Stiles to flinch slightly not expecting it but Derek doesn't even bat an eye lid.

"Again why the hell would I tell you?" Was all Derek said with a slight growl.

The man doesn't say anything just takes a few steps closer to Derek with a sheepish grin that Stiles doesn't like.

"You will tell me eventually Mr Hale." The man says and Derek is a little taken back, how the hell does he know my last name?

"That's right, I know more about you than you might think. I have studied you Derek, you are the only thing in Beacon Hills who can kill me well minus the new alpha, so like the old saying 'know thy enemy.' I know everything about you Hale, like how while you and your sister were at school the Argents and more specifically Kate Argent burnt your house down. Everything you knew and loved was ripped from your little teenage hands. You know what made things worse? That is was all your fault." The man says and Derek stiffens, how does he know it was my fault? I never told anyone not even Laura.

Stiles looks at Derek and can see the hurt in his eyes as he turns away not looking at the man. "Oh looks like I have hit a nerve haven't I? I'm gonna go ahead and guess that you haven't told anyone have you? That you and Kate Argent use to be a couple but you had no idea she was a hunter did you? And then she burns your house down killing everyone single one of your family members, even the ones who weren't werewolves. It was your fault, they all died in screaming agony, your mother, father, brothers, sisters everyone and the last thing any of them ever felt was their flesh melting away from their body. Then just because this world seems to hate you Mr Hale, your sister Laura gets cut in half by none other than your Uncle Peter! You have got to be the most unluckiest man alive, well werewolf alive."

Stiles didn't even know what to think, Derek never talked about his past or his family and now Stiles knows why. He knew they died in a house fire but nothing more. "What the hell does any of that have to do with the fact you have us chained here? Also you clearly have some stalking issues dude and that is slightly illegal, well I guess kidnapping us is sorta illegal too." Stiles butts in but clearly that was the wrong thing to say as the man marches over to him and punches him in the face. His world goes spinning and he hits the ground lying on his side as his right cheek stings in pain.

"What do you want from us?" Derek quickly asks trying to get the attention away from Stiles who was slowly sitting himself back up against the wall.

"Your pack killed my family!" The man shouted getting angry as he storms away from Stiles and slams the electric rod into the side of Derek's body. He clenches his jaw and squeezes his eyes shut trying not to scream from the overwhelming pain as the electricity soars through his body. "My family! My pack! Is dead! Because of your stupid pack!" He yells jabbing the rob against his body once again. "You will eventually tell me who this other alpha is Mr Hale."

"Don't bet on it." Derek gasps trying to get air back into his lungs as he glances over at Stiles to make sure he was alright before giving his full attention on the Nagual.

"And once you give me the whereabouts and name of the other alpha you will tell me every little detail about your pack, in fact you will be begging to tell me." The man says smiling with his rotten teeth.

"I am gonna enjoy this Mr Hale, you maybe not so much."

"Are you going to torture me or just talk me to death?" Derek asks and the man grins pulling out a knife from his belt dripping a yellow fluid. Oh this can't be good, really, really, really not good, Stiles thinks to himself.


"Wait so let me get this straight, Stiles and Derek have been kidnapped by the Nagual?" Isaac questions with panic in his voice and Scott nods.

They were all sitting in the living room of the Martins lake house, none of them knowing what to do. Their alpha, their leader who always knew what to do was kidnapped leaving them completely helpless! And the one member of the pack who always had a plan, is kidnapped as well!

"What do we do?" Malia asks looking around at everyone.

"We have to find them, who knows what the Nagaul has planned for them." Scott announces. "We have to go back to Beacon Hills, maybe Isaac, Malia and I can track Stiles and Derek with scent? It's worth a try."

"What are waiting for then? Let's go." Lydia states grabbing her car keys heading for the door. Everyone quickly follows, Kira, Malia and Lydia in her car while Isaac and Scott in Melissa's car.


"What am I looking for exactly?" Isaac asks as they enter the loft.

"Anything that can be used to track Derek's scent, I have Stiles hoodie we just need something of Derek's." Scott answers taking a step into the room and eyes widening at what he sees, the girls behind him gasp. It looks like someone came in and trashed the place, table and chairs broken, glass shattered, tv smashed, knives imbedded in the walls and the blood... a lot of blood.

"Scott who's blood is that?" Kira asks in a shaky voice, they were all hoping the same thing, that the blood was Derek's and not Stiles', as harsh as that sounds. Derek can heal quick but Stiles not so much.

"I think it's Derek's, but I could be wrong, I'm not that good at this yet." Isaac says from his crouched position on the floor and Scott nods in agreement knowing it's Derek's.

"Do you guys have their scent?" Lydia asks and Malia and the boys nod and with that they were off.

*1 hour later*

"Scott this is no use. I lost the scent, Derek's long gone." Isaac says shaking his head in disappointment and Malia nods.

"Same with Stiles', I will sent him a message to see if he can somehow get the Nagaul to tell him where it took them and when he gets a chance he can text me back before his phone dies." Scott says getting his phone out.

"That plan has a lot of flaws McCall." Isaac states. "And no I don't have a better idea so don't look at me like that." He adds and Scott nods.

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