Chapter 3-

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"What do you want Stiles?" Derek asked as he finally turned away from the pillar now facing the teenager.

"I want to make sure you're okay."

"I'm fine."

"I don't even need your werewolf senses to know that you just lied." Stiles says and to that Derek doesn't answer, doesn't even look at him.

He watches Derek for a minute taking in just how bad the alpha really looked.

"You're not okay." Was all Stiles needed to say and Derek shook his head turning his face away from him.

"You're scared aren't you?" He asks carefully knowing he was walking on thin ice. But he couldn't help himself he's never seen Derek scared, never seen Derek like this! He was trying to hide it but Stiles saw right through it. He wasn't there when Derek found Erica and Boyds bodies but he was there within an hour afterwards at 3 in the morning and Derek looked like he was about to just break down, his eyes red with bags under them, but he kept himself together in front of the pack, pretending to be strong for them.

"The Nagual has Peter." Derek suddenly says punching the cement pillar again blowing another fist size dent into it.

"Whoa whoa big guy take it easy I don't want this whole building coming down on us." He says with his hands in the air and Derek just scowled at him.

"Peter is my responsibility and my problem not you guys. I didn't want to tell the others because then they would want to help find him and I appreciate that but I can't let that happen. It's too dangerous and I can't lose any of you guys, you guys are the closet thing to family I got considering all I have is Peter who I trust just about as far as I can throw him."

"Wait sorry I just can't get past the fact that you just called us as in me, Scott, Isaac, Lydia, Kira and Malia your family." He says in disbelief

"No you moron I said closest thing to family." Derek argued and Stiles just laughed.

"Nope you said it, you can't take it back now." He says and Derek just shakes his head with what Stiles thinks is a smile but then his face stiffens the same way Scott's does when he smells or hears something that isn't right.

"Derek what is it?"

"It's here."


At first he thought he was back with Kate Argent and was waiting for her to walk into the room ready to torture him anyway she could think of but she never did. Usually when he gets kidnapped she has something to do with it but then he starts to remember. The Nagual. In his loft. He tried fighting it. Stiles was there. He tried protecting the kid but then all he remembers is darkness.

For the first time since he gained consciousness he took in his surroundings, he was in a room with cement walls and floor. The door to the room was made of metal and there was a small window near the top of the right wall indicating that is day time so he must have been unconscious for at least 12 hours. The room lit with only one small light in the centre of the roof he scans the room looking for ways out of here when his eyes land upon something... someone familiar.

"Glad your awake, now how the hell do we get out of here?!" Stiles asks from his seated position in the back corner of the room, holding up his hands that had long chains around them.

Derek looks up at his own wrists to find the exact same thing, although he wasn't sitting down he was standing up with his arms held up slightly. His hands and legs chained with huge metal chains wrapped in wolfsbane and chained to the wall behind him with only a couple millimetres of movement whereas Stiles could probably stand up and move a meter before the distance of chains stops him. Well I guess I am stuck standing in this position for a while.

Derek sighs resting his chin on his chest but gets a really eerie feeling when he sees a small drain near his feet... that can't be a good sign.

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