Chapter 9-

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"And the wolf took the bait." The Naguals voice says echoing into the room as the door opens and Stiles stands up quickly upon his presents noticing the man holding something. "I knew he'd touch the wolfsbane moulded lock in effort to free you." He laughs.

"What is that?" Stiles says curiosity pointing towards the box the man was carrying.

"Do you want the honest answer?" He questions putting the box down a few meters away from Derek's prone form on the ground.

"Probably not but I have feeling I'm about to find out." Stiles answers and the man nods grabbing the item out the box and Stiles watches, jaw dropped.

"That's military C4!" Stiles says in shock and was replied with amused laughter.

"You know your stuff." The man comments.

"My dads best Deputy was ex-military so I know a few things. Like how it would take at least three of those C4's to blow this building up so sorry to say this but you're a couple short buddy." Stiles says walking closer to the door of his cell.

"Don't underestimate me Stiles." The Nagual grins pulling out another two C4's out the bag and Stiles rolls his eyes. Of course he knows what he's doing! Far out!

"What so your gonna strap C4 to the walls, walk away and blow us to smithereens?" Stiles asks voice dry from the lack of water he's had over the past few days.

"Eventually, yes. But I'd much rather wait for the rest of your pack to get here, kill a whole pack with one stone." The Nagual states with a grin and Stiles blood runs cold. "That's right, I could hear you talking on the phone before, I know your pack is coming to rescue you and the alpha." He says strapping the the C4 to three of the walls.

"You son of a bitch." Stiles yells banging on the cell bars. "They will kill you! Slowly and painfully!" Stiles shouts not even thinking of the insults he said before it's too late as the Nagual marches over to his cell, ripping the lock off and grabbing him by his throat. He would have been wondering how the hell it ripped the lock off when it pained Derek into unconsciousness, but he was a little busy trying to breath with the Jaguar hands wrapped around his throat.

"You think you're so funny don't you Stilinski?" He says pinning Stiles to the wall. "Maybe I should kill you now... take a photo of it on your phone and send it to your pack... or maybe string you up outside and slice you in half so when your pack comes to rescue you that will be the first thing they see."

"F-fuck you." Stiles struggles to say doing his best to death start the man but with the tears now forming in his eyes it was a bit hard.

The Nagual seemed amused by this and released one hand off his throat the other still pinning him to the wall. Stiles felt sudden overwhelming pain coming from his broken arm and he looks down to find the mans hand wrapped around it twisting it. Stiles screams out in pain not able to hold back his sobs. He was going to die, his dad won't be able to deal with that, not after his mothers death his dad won't be able deal with his sons death too. But he can't do anything about that, he was about die, Derek will die and the pack will die in a trap and there's nothing he can do but scream praying the Nagual will end his life quickly.

"Let him go!" A familiar stern voice shouts and Stiles looks over the Naguals shoulder to see Derek standing in the door way of the cell.

"Fine." Was the last thing the Nagual said before slamming Stiles hard against the wall and letting him go. Stiles vision goes blurry and he struggles for air, his head spinning as he watches the Nagual march towards Derek.

Derek woke to the sound of Stiles screaming in pain and that was enough to get the alpha up on his feet no matter how much it hurt. A members of his pack was in danger and hurt, and not just any member of the pack it was Stiles! So that's why Derek was currently wrestling the Nagual on the floor trying to keep the creature from clawing his face off.

"Derek!" He heard Stiles voice call from somewhere behind him.

"Stiles stay there!" Derek shouts back just as the Nagual lands a solid kick to his chest sending him back flying into the cement wall with a thud.

Before he had time to recover the Nagual was on him, slashing Derek's shirt and chest even more with its now blood drenched claws. Derek flashed his alpha red eyes still the only thing he could do as the wolfsbane in his system wouldn't let him shift any further.

"Maybe I shouldn't kill the kid first maybe I should kill you first." The Nagual says with a grin. "Maybe burn you alive like how the rest of your family did? That sounds like a good idea." He comments and Derek growls eyes still red when he head butts the Nagual sending it off balance. Derek seizes the opportunity punching and kicking the Nagual in hope to knock it out long enough for him to get his wolf powers back, so he can kill the bastard and end it all.

"Touch me one more time I will make the building come down on top of all of us." The Nagual says pulling a small button out his pocket as Derek pulls back his punch in confusion.

"He has C4 planted in here Derek." Stiles rasp voice calls and Derek nods quickly glancing at Stiles who was sitting on the ground now moved outside his barred cell but his hand was clutching his broken arm desperately.

"You can either kill me but I will click the button and your human friend will die. Or you let me walk away which gives you a chance to get yourselves out of here before I click the button." The Nagual says smiling knowing he has Derek right where he wants him.

"Kill him!" Stiles shouts and Derek turns to Stiles about to tell him that he can't when the Nagual took him by surprise slashing his claws against Derek's thigh causing the werewolf to pull away from him grabbing his thigh in pain as blood oozes out.

"Tell your Uncle Peter I said hi." Was all the Nagual said running off, before Derek would register what just happened the C4 on the walls around them started beeping.

"Derek?" Stiles called in panic and the alpha didn't hesitate, he ran/limped to the frantic and pained Stiles pushing the man to ground as he tried to stand and using his body to shield him when suddenly the C4 exploded around them, the cement walls and ceiling coming down in a bang.

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