Chapter 4-

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"Where are we?" He asks lifting his head and looking over to Stiles on the ground. Only just noticing the deep gash on the kids forehead. Stiles is hurt and it's my fault, I should have made him leave the loft when the others did then he wouldn't in this situation and would be safe at the Martins lake house.

"No clue dude, some sort of cell or basement." Stiles answers shrugging his shoulders. "Either way this place gives me the creeps."

"You and me both." Derek replied, scanning every inch of the room looking for some sort of way out. He got Stiles and himself in this situation, it's his duty get them out.

"Oi Sourwolf! Can you use your werewolf senses too work out if there's cameras or anybody near us?" Stiles asks and Derek rolls his eyes at the nickname. Him and Stiles have become close during the past few months, Stiles always seems to be around more than he use to when they first met, probably because the pack has drawn closer with each other. The betas finally trust and except Derek as their alpha even Lydia and Kira seem to follow him as their leader. But for the life of him he cannot work out why these teenagers -well they are basically young young adults- want to stay in his pack and look up to him as their leader. He doesn't deserve it, to have a pack, to have friends who have his back. He's done some bad things in his life, but man is he grateful for to have a pack like he does, yeah they argue frequently and get on each other's nerves especially Stiles but they are the closest thing he has to family... minus Peter.

"There's no cameras, just use your eyes moron and I can hear one heart beat in another room but I don't know who it is." He answers looking at Stiles who seems happy with the response and reaches into his jeans.

"Tell me if you can sense someone coming in." He says as he pulls his phone out his pocket and Derek sighs with relief.

"Shit it's only got 10% battery." Stiles mutters as he starts to dial numbers, no doubt calling Scott.

"Scott!" Stiles practically yells into the phone a few seconds after putting it to his ear.

"Dude where the hell are you?! You didn't show up at mine last night and you weren't at your house!" Scott responds.

"I can't talk for long my phone is about to go flat, but the Nagual has kidnapped Derek and I. We are in some sort of old building."

"Shit, where are you guys?" Scott frantically asks.

"We don't know, Scott I got to go I don't want my phone to die but do not tell my dad, say I am staying at yours for a few nights or something but please find me-" Derek clears his throat. "Us, find us."

"Wait Stiles?-" but Stiles hung up the phone and put it back in his pocket relieved he got to Scott and is now praying the werewolf will someone find them.

"Scott will-"

"I heard, but how do you still have your phone?" Derek asks confused on why the Nagual didn't take it.

"I put my phone in my shoe while you were fighting the Nagual at the loft because I didn't want it to smash if the Nagual threw me into a wall or something." Stiles answered and Derek couldn't help but laugh. Of course Stiles was more worried about breaking his phone rather than dying from a monster.

They both stay quiet for what feels like hours in the room. Stiles actually stays quiet something Derek thought was impossible, but considering the situation he knew Stiles was terrified. Derek began to relax slightly when he noticed Stiles heart beat began to slow down to a somewhat steady pace instead of thumping so victoriously Derek was just waiting for him to have an heart attack.

He looked up his handcuffs and chains, he might have had a chance at breaking out of them if it wasn't for the wolfsbane wrapped around them. Even when he doesn't move his wrists it's still painful but nothing he can't handle.

"Why did he kidnapped us?" Stiles questions breaking the silence. "It reminds me of that scene from John Wick where he gets kidnapped and let's just say it wasn't pretty."

Derek just shakes his head, he has a theory on why he was taken but has no idea why it took Stiles as well.

"Derek you have that weird constipated look on your face and I have known you long enough to know that it means you aren't telling me something." Stiles comments looking over at him chained to the wall his feet just touching the ground.

"I think this Nagual can only be killed by an alpha... which is why I think it has taken me. It knows only I can kill it so it's safe if it has me captured, but I don't know why it took you too. But there's no way the pack will be able to kill the Nagual that is considering whether or not they can find us." He finally says shaking his head.

"So that's why it bled grey liquid when you clawed it but didn't when Erica or Boyd did." Stiles says and Derek looks away hearing the names of his fallen Betas, he is never going to forgive himself for that and he now has Stiles' life in his hands and it's up to him to get the two of them out of here.

"I'm sorry dude I didn't mean to-"

"It's okay." Derek responds not allowing Stiles to finish.

"Wait wait wait if Scott finds us he can get us out of here and kill the Nagual!" Stiles says with hopeful look in his eye.

"Did you not hear me dumb-ass I'm pretty sure only an alpha can kill it." He says looking over at the kid who looks confused.

"Scott hasn't told you has he?"

"Told me what? He can't be an alpha he hasn't killed... he's becoming a true alpha isn't he?" Derek suddenly says, it makes sense Scott has never killed anyone and never wants to either. Stiles nods.

"That's what Deaton said, he's still a beta but his eyes sometimes turn red in certain situations." Stiles explains and Derek nods knowing that it's only a matter of time before Scott becomes a full true alpha... the first in centuries. He closes his eyes and rests his head on the cement wall behind him, how the hell was he going to get them out of here? They can't rely on Scott, he doesn't know where they are, they don't even know where they are. He thinks to himself when he suddenly hears footsteps and two sets of heartbeats, ones closer than the other though.

"Put the phone away!" Derek quickly whispers.

"It is." Stiles replies sitting up a bit straighter knowing someone must be coming soon.

Within a minute the door slowly begins to open, the guys both watch the door like hawks until a man comes walking in.
His body was build similar to Derek's, Stiles notices but the man is definitely taller than him though. This has to be the Nagual but in its human form. Stiles watches as the man doesn't even look towards Stiles but just stares at the alpha as it pulls a thick rod looking object from behind his back. He glances at Derek, who has his eyes locked on the man, he has a bad feeling about this...

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