Chapter 10-

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"How far out are we?" Chris' voice called through the UHF in Scott's car.

"Still 5 hours." Isaac answers before Scott.

"I have a bad feeling guys." Lydia's voice suddenly says through the UHF.

"Great the Banshee has a bad feeling, thats never a good sign." Isaac comments.

"Drive faster, break whatever road rules you have to, we need to get to them before the Nagual kills them." Scott orders shaking his head and hitting the accelerator.

"We so should have taken Derek's car, that thing can speed." Isaac says and Scott rolls his eyes.

"Not helpful Isaac." Scott mutters with his eyes on the road.


Stiles tries to move but barely could, it was like he was trapped in a box not able to move much at all. He opens his eyes taking in his surroundings, the cement walls crumbled all around him- which explains the box feeling- but he is more focused on the werewolf currently on his hands and knees above him, holding up the cement walls with his back to stop it from crushing the two them.

"You alright?" Derek questions with a groan squeezing his eyes shut clearly in pain from the cement.

"Yeah yeah I think so." Stiles responds still shocked but happy he wasn't dead... yet.

"Why did you save me?" He asks and Derek opens his eyes, red, teary, painful blue eyes looking directly at Stiles and all Stiles wanted to do was take his pain away, he couldn't even imagine how heavy the cement walls would be especially in Derek's injured form. "You could have ran and gotten out of here before he blew the place, why didn't you?"

"Because you're pack." Derek responds. "You're family and we don't leave family behind, no matter the consequences. Even if you are the biggest pain in the ass there is." He adds and Stiles laughs, but then goes serious.

"But I'm human, not a werewolf or banshee, or hellhound or anything supernatural, I'm just a weak human. I can't even help you hold the cement up from crushing us alive." He says shaking his head.

"You have saved my life too many times to count. Yes you're human but you are apart of this pack just as much as we all are and you have saved all of lives way to many times." Derek tries to explain and Stiles softly smiles not expecting that sort of response from Derek but very grateful he said it. Stiles lies there for what feels like ever in silence looking at Derek's face occasionally and straight away feeling guilty. He could have gotten out of here but instead his stupid heroic side came up from the surface and is now protecting Stiles from being crushed from cement walls... but how long will he be able to hold it up? Derek's wounds were still dripping blood, especially the fresh slashes across his bare chest and thigh and the oozing wound from the iron rod was still dripping blood at a fast rate. Werewolf or not that much blood loss can't be good.

"Why are you still not healing? It's been hours."

"I don't know." Derek responds and Stiles grimaces as he moves his broken arm slightly.

"Stiles- I-I can't take your pain if I move I won't be able to hold the wall up any longer." He says stopping himself with a wince. "I'm sorry." And Stiles' heart breaks hearing the sorry and pain in Derek's voice. When Stiles first met Derek he will admit he wasn't a fan of the older man and was kinda scared of him and Stiles knew he wasn't Derek's most favourite person. Nevertheless they both had a mutual bond, that they never speak about just express it through saving each other's lives which seems to be a weekly occurrence in Beacon Hills. Over the years since Scott got turned, him and Derek's friendship had grown into a love-hate friendship, which consists in arguing, name calling, threatening but also protecting and caring about each other.

"It's okay I'd rather my arm hurt than be crushed to death anyway." Stiles replies with a small laugh.


*4 hours later*

"I can't hold this for much longer." Derek groans eyes glued shut from pain.

"I know and it's okay." Stiles says softly, wiping the blood off his arm that keeps dripping from Derek's chest. "My phone went flat over an hour ago, the pack was tracking my phone but now that it's dead they won't be able to find us."

"I'm sorry." Derek says in almost a whisper and Stiles shakes his head.

"It's okay, we all die eventually don't we?." Stiles responds trying to force back the tears in eyes. He was going to die, he never got to say goodbye to his father or Scott, he never got to graduate high school, never got to buy a puppy, never got to get married and start a family, never even got to buy his own house and never got to become an FBI agent.

"I can hold on for a bit longer." Derek says in hope to make Stiles' silent tears disappear. They stay quiet for another hour, Stiles praying in his head for a miracle when Derek suddenly roars, long and loud half scaring Stiles who wasn't expecting it. Then Derek's hand slips from under him landing on his forearm in effort to keep the cement wall from squishing them both. He lets out a pained scream and uses all his strength to lift his back up ever so slightly so he could put his hand back underneath him again.

Then out of no where a familiar roar erupts in the distance and Stiles hears Derek sigh in relief. Scott! The pack is here. We might actually not die!

"Thank fuck." Stiles mutters and Derek couldn't help but smile.

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