Chapter 8-

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"I thought it kidnapped you?!" Derek questions eyes glued to his uncle at the door in shock.

"It did, but the stupid guy left the key in my cell door and here I am. Your welcome." He says.

"We are here in the first place because we were trying to plan on how to get you back from the Nagual, so we aren't thanking you until we are all out of here safely." Derek responds and Stiles nearly laughs not expecting Derek's harsh reply.

"Do none of you care that I am right now risking my life to get you out of here? Does that matter to either of you?" Peter questions looking back and forth between Stiles and Derek.

"I am emotionally constipated, I haven't given a shit about you since.. ever." Stiles answers causing Derek roll his eyes at the sneaky pun. "But since you're helping us, helping rescue you to get out of here without dying then I sorta care."

"Right that confused me but anyway." Peter says walking over to Derek, grabbing a ring of keys out his pocket and unlocking Derek's chains from his feet and wrists.

Derek gasps in pain resting his head on the wall behind him with his eyes shut but hands glued to his stomach around the bottom of the rod. He couldn't move away from the wall as some of the rod had penetrated the cement pinning him to the wall.

"This is going to hurt like a son of a bitch." Peter mutters wrapping his hands around the iron rod.

"You're gonna enjoy this aren't you?" Derek groans and Peter chuffs.

"You betcha." He responds and suddenly yanks the rod out. Stiles grimaces when Derek groans in agony as the rod leaves his body, he falls straight to the ground not quick enough to break his fall with his arms. Stiles watches, heart beat rising as Derek lays face down on the cement floor moaning in pain as blood oozes out his stomach. Peter was next to him in a flash, surprising Stiles with the concerned expression on his face.

"I'm fine. I'm fine." Derek huffs between quick breaths. "Get Stiles' chains."

Peter was hesitant leaving his nephews side but did as ordered and unchained Stiles, noticing his broken arm and actually being careful with the chains on it. He then places his hand gently around Stiles arm and begins to take his pain. "Thanks." Stiles says unsure whether the older man could be trusted and Peter nods walking towards the door.

"Wher- where's the Nagual?" Derek asks gasping as he moves slightly.

"I slashed his throat, he's by the door next to my cell." Peter answers turning around glancing between him and Stiles confused on why they both suddenly seemed alarmed. "Are either of you going to tell me what's wrong?"

"We're pretty sure it can only be killed by an alpha." Stiles answers as he kneels by Derek's side making sure he is okay... well as good as okay can be in his situation.

"What? I slashed its throat and it went down like a rag doll, it's dead, I'm positive!" Peter responds but even without supernatural senses Stiles could tell he was worried.

"Are you sure about that?" An unwanted voice calls out.

Before Peter even gets a chance to shift, the Nagual digs its long thick claws into his back lifting him up off the ground unable to move.

"Peter!" Derek shouts, forcing himself onto his hands and knees. "Stop!" He yells eyes flashing red, but he was too weak to do anything else.

"Any last words?" The Nagual questions angrily looking at Peter as he takes one hand out the mans back and puts it against his throat.

"See you in hell." Peter says spitting blood onto its face and with that the claws of a jaguar slice Peters throat and the Nagual drops his lifeless body to the ground.

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