Chapter 11-

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"Scott are you sure it was this way?" Chris asks following the pack into the forest.

"I can smell it too, they are somewhere around here." Malia answers and that was enough for the pack, all walking a bit faster after the teenagers but then suddenly froze at the sound of a loud, painful, desperate roar.

"Was that-" Lydia begins to say.

"Derek!" Scott shouts, his walking turning into a full on sprint with his pack running after him.

After 10 minutes of full on running the pack comes to a halt in front of an old cement building, half which has fallen down.

"This way!" Scott yells running towards the back end of the building which looked to be blown to pieces.

"Derek! Stiles!" Scott yells eyes scanning the pile of broken cement in front of him.

"Scott?" Stiles voice responds in a desperate yell.

"Yeah it's me buddy, don't worry I'm gonna get you out of here." He replies.

"The Nagual! The Nagual is out there somewhere!" Stiles' frantic voice responds in panic.

"Umm Scott I think we have a problem." Kira states and Scott turns around to find a man standing a few meters away from them, eyes flashing red as Chris fires off a round of his shotgun, the man not even flinching.

"Oh god." Lydia mutters taking a step backwards.

Malia and Isaac both roar shifting into werewolf form behind Scott.

"You want the alpha don't you? I'm the alpha! Come and get me!" Scott shouts, taking a few steps closer.

"Scott you're not completely an alpha yet." Isaac whispers.

"Not helping." Scott responds as the Nagual shifts into his jaguar form.

"Oh I've been waiting for this." The jaguar says as Scott runs at it.

"Argent now!" Scott shouts as he pulls his crossbow out and fires off an arrow connected to rope. Isaac grabs the end of the rope as the arrow implants its self in the Nagual's chest and he pulls the rope with all his strength causing the Nagual to fall to the ground. Scott and Malia jump on the creatures back digging their claws into its skin while Kira stands next to them, her sword inches away from the Naguals face.

"I can kill you right here and right now." Scott spits digging his claws in deeper until the creature screams. "Or I could let you walk, I heard what happened to your pack and I'm sorry but it was not our pack that did that. If it was we wouldn't have been stupid enough to let you escape and live. Again I could kill you for taking my best friend and my alpha! But I'm going to give you a chance to walk away from this, start over as an omega and live your life but under the condition that you never. Ever. Come back to Beacon Hills again! I believe you only acted this way because of what happened to your pack so I believe there is some good in you, am I correct?" Scott asks and the Nagual nods his head frantically but weary of the sword next to him.

"Yes. Yes, please don't kill me. If you let me go you won't ever hear or see me ever again I swear, please." The man begs.

"If you show up in my town again, if I even as so much as hear a rumour that you're back in town, Derek and I will hunt you down and kill you ourselves. Don't make me regret this." Scott says firmly, removing his claws and pulling the arrow out of the Naguals chest and Malia follows along removing her claws as well.

"Thank you. Thank you true alpha." The Nagual says as he sprints off into the forest.

"Was that the right choice?" Lydia asks and Scott shrugs his shoulders.

"He wasn't lying about not coming back to Beacon Hills, I highly doubt we will ever see him again." Scott responds running back over the pack by the cement. "Isaac, Malia quick help me lift these big pieces."

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