Chapter 15

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I started to feel the pressure from takeoff lessen, and guessed that we had reached cruising altitude.  The seatbelt light turned off, confirming my thoughts.  I looked over to
Anna, who was gazing out the window.  She looked as if she had gotten more comfortable, but was still worried.  I wondered what could be wrong with her. 

“Could I interest you in anything to drink?” a flight attendant asked.

This made Anna turn around. 

“I’ll get a Pinot Noir,” she said.

The flight attendant got out a wine glass and filled Anna’s glass with the red liquid. 

“I’ll just get a Sprite,” I said, being too young for alcohol. 

The flight attendant placed a glass of the soda on my table. 

“Enjoy your flight!” she said. 
I looked over at Anna, who was sipping her wine.

“This isn’t bad for a cheaper airline,” she remarked.

I took a sip of my soda, then turned back to Anna.

“Anna, what’s wrong?” I asked. 

“What do you mean?”

“You’ve been acting so weird all day, what’s going on?”

“Nothing Lisa, I’ll explain later.”

I wasn’t happy with the answer I was getting, but Anna could be really stubborn at times.  I knew that no matter how many questions I asked, Anna wouldn’t give in.

“Let’s see what movie they are putting on,” she suggested, gesturing to the movie screens. 

I recognized the movie as Monsters Inc.  I liked that movie, so it should make the time go by faster.  I saw that Anna was already focused on the screen. 


The movie did make time go by faster.  The credits had started to roll. I looked out the window and saw that it was almost dark.  We were crossing the Atlantic now. 

I looked at Anna and saw that she was fast asleep in her chair.  She must have fallen asleep during the movie.  She was snoring lightly, but that didn’t bother me.  Even though she was sleeping, she still looked stressed.  I wondered what could be bothering her this much.

“Hey Kyle,” I said, turning around to lean over my seat.

Kyle had sat in the window seat a row behind Anna and me.  The guy next to him ignored me and continued to listen to his ear buds. 

“Yes, your highness?” Kyle asked, acknowledging that I was there.

“You know you can just call me Lisa,” I told him.

For the past couple weeks that I had been in Arendelle everyone was addressing me as a princess.  It just made me feel weird, and I preferred it if they would just call me by my name.  Regardless of how many times I told them, they still insisted to use my title.  

“Do you know what’s up with Anna, she’s been acting weird all day,” I continued.

“I can’t tell you miss,” he responded.

“Why not?”

“I’m under orders.”

“Well, can I un-order you?”


“Why not?  I’m a princess.”

“The orders were from your superior.”

“Queen Elsa gave you the orders then.  She’s my superior.”

“God wish the queen had given orders!  But alas, that is not true.”

After Kyle’s sudden outburst, I was confused.  Who else could have given him orders he couldn’t tell me.  And what was wrong with the mention of Elsa?

“Is everything okay with Elsa?” I questioned.

“I cannot say.  I have already spoken too much.  I must keep my mouth shut before I say something I will regret.”

I turned back in my seat and decided that if Kyle had nothing useful to say, then I wouldn’t need to talk to him. 

I looked back at the video screen to see that a new movie was now playing.  I didn’t recognize it, but after a few minutes, it proved to be extremely boring. 

It was completely dark out the window.  I could feel that I was already getting sleepy.  I felt my eyelids become heavy, and before I knew it, I drifted off to sleep.


“Wake up Lisa,” Anna said, shaking me awake. 

I opened up my eyes.  The plane was flooded with light, so it appeared to be morning.  It didn’t quite feel like morning though.  I was still very tired. 

“We’ll be arriving in Arendelle in about an hour,” Anna told me.  “You should get ready.”

She stood up and dug through our luggage. 

“Here is your dress,” she said, handing me a bag.  “Why don’t you put it on, the bathroom is back there.”

I took the bag and walked to the bathroom.  Luckily, first class had a separate bathroom, so it didn’t stink that much.  I changed and then walked back to Anna, who had been getting ready herself. 

“Will you finally tell me what’s going on?” I asked.

“Fine,” Anna said, sitting down.  “Just don’t freak out.”

“I won’t freak out,” I protested.  “You should see what you were like yesterday.”

“Elsa’s been kidnapped.”


“Yes, now we are going to Arendelle to find her.  The guards are monitoring the kingdom as we speak.”

“How long has she been missing?”

“Day before yesterday.”

“Do you have any idea where she is?”

“She went up to her ice palace to care for Marshmallow.  I went to find her because she had been gone awhile.  She wasn’t there and Marshmallow said that she had left hours ago.”

I could tell this was an emotional subject for Anna.  Her eyes looked watery as if she was holding back tears.

“We’ll find her,” I said.

“I know we will.”

Anna visibly relaxed after the conversation.  Kyle was woken up and prepared out bags.  I knew we would be arriving in Arendelle in the next fifteen minutes.  The plane should begin descending soon.

As if on cue, the point’s voice crackled in on the intercom, “Good morning ladies and gentlemen, we are arriving in Arendelle Lufthavn Gullknapp in a few minutes.  We ask that you buckle your seatbelts as we begin to land.  Thank you for riding Norwegian Airlines.”

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