Chapter 32

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The next week was my last week in Arendelle this summer.  It seemed to fly by even faster than all of the other weeks.  Anna and Elsa had decided we would make the most of it by going out on a boat a few days and having Kristoff over for dinner a couple times.  I really did enjoy my time in Arendelle, it had been nothing like I had ever done before.

Over the week I had worked to slowly pack up my things from my room.  Now, I put the last couple things away.  I stood up grabbing my suitcase from the floor.  I made my way over to the door and looked back for the last time. 

My room looked so barren and almost foreign.  It kind of reminded me of how I had felt when I first arrived.  I turned around and walked out, shutting the door behind me. 

The rest of my things had already been brought out to the snowmobile by various servants, so I only had this last bag.  I lugged it down the stairs and into the grand foyer.  I felt so underdressed surrounded by the marble and gold.  I had already changed into a shorter black skirt and a purple top. 

The foyer was completely silent.  I had thought Anna or Elsa would be down here waiting, but they were nowhere to be seen.  I stood there for a little longer, but they didn’t show up. 

“Maybe they’re down at the snowmobile already,” I thought. 

I grabbed my luggage and walked out of the castle and around back, where Elsa’s snowmobile was parked.  It had been filled with my stuff, but Anna and Elsa were not there.  I strapped the last suitcase on top of the others.  I decided to walk back to the castle in search for Anna and Elsa. 

I pushed open the doors and found Anna waiting inside.  She was dressed in a green t-shirt and brown pants.  I was taken back, I had never seen Anna wear any type of pants before, I was nearly certain she didn’t even own any.  She wore a light brown belt and a brown hat with a green ribbon around it.

“Anna!” I gasped.  “Where have you been?  And why are you dressed like that?”

“Because we’re going on an adventure,” Anna stated. 


“We are going up to Scavenger’s Lookout.”

“That’s right,” Elsa added, stepping into the room. She was wearing a short blue dress with a little snowflake cape. 

“What is Scavenger’s Lookout?” I questioned.

“It has the greatest view in all of Arendelle,” Anna answered, “you can see the whole kingdom from up there.”

“Anna and I used to go there all of the time when we were little,” Elsa continued.  “It’s a bit of a hike up, so I hope you’re prepared.”

“Sounds fun,” I said, “when do we start?”

“Right now!” Anna declared, heading for the door.

I followed Anna out the door and we walked into the town center of Arendelle.  Kyle was accompanying us, carrying a small basket of lunch. 

We turned to the left, walking in the space between two shops.  In the back, there was a small trail that when up into the woods.  The trail was put at a slight incline as we walked along it.  I could feel the chilly air against my skin, as I had already dressed for the hot weather back in the United States, my arms and legs were left exposed to the air.  About halfway up the mountain, I started to shiver.

“Are you cold?” Elsa asked.

“A little,” I admitted, “but I’ll be fine.”

“Turn around,” Elsa instructed.

I turned to face her as she moved her hands out in front.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

I felt a strange feeling on my lower arms and looked down.  Ice was forming around it, but it somehow felt warm.  It continued to form around my arm and eventually onto my chest, creating a jacket.

“Thanks,” I said.

Elsa and I ran back up to join Anna, who hadn’t stopped and was a little ways ahead.  We caught up, and Anna stopped walking, causing me to almost run into her.

“We’re here,” she announced.

I looked over the side of the mountain at Arendelle, Anna and Elsa were right, you could see the whole kingdom from up here.

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Elsa remarked.

“Yes,” I said, breath taken by the view. 

“Your highnesses,” Kyle addressed, “here is your lunch.”

Kyle handed Elsa a small picnic basket.  We sat down on the grass and Elsa handed out sandwiches. 

“This is amazing,” I said.

“I’m glad you like it,” Anna responded.  “It took awhile to convince Elsa to go.”

We sat there, enjoying our lunch and savouring my last few hours in Arendelle.  After a few hours, Elsa declared that we needed to go back down the mountain in order to make it to the States in time.  We packed up the leftover lunch supplies and walked back down the mountain. 

When we got back into Arendelle, Kyle took the basket inside, while Anna, Elsa, and I walked back to the snowmobile.  Anna hopped into the front and Elsa took the driver’s seat.  I fit into the back seat, next to my bags. 

“Everyone ready to go?” Elsa asked.

“Ready,” Anna answered.

“Ready,” I said.

Elsa lifted the snowmobile off the ground and into the sky.  It didn’t feel as crazy as it did before.  Maybe Elsa was purposely taking it slow to give me extra time to see Arendelle, or I was finally getting used to it.  

I looked back at Arendelle, watching as it disappearing over the horizon.  I kept watching until the kingdom was completely out of view.  I then turned around and look forward to the sky as the snowmobile sped across the ocean.

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