Chapter 21

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I opened up the front gates of the castle and rushed outside.  A small army of Arendelle guards were stationed around the harbor.  They all held out their guns, ready to shoot.  I stood on my tiptoes and looked out at the water.  A large ship was coming close to the docks.  It flew the flag of the Southern Isles and another flag with a large H wearing a crown. 

“Fire on my mark!” a voice cried.

I couldn’t let them do this.  They wouldn’t be able to shoot down Hans, he was much too smart for that.  He’d figure out a way out, or worse: let the key sink.  Anna and Elsa could be in that cage forever.  I needed him alive and well for my plan to work.  I ran up to the soldiers.

“Hold fire!” I screamed.

No gunshots were heard.  Some of the soldiers looked at me, while others still stood at attention. 

The leader opened his mouth to speak, “Your highness, this is Prince Hans’s vessel, he tried to kill your sisters last time.”

“Well maybe he has changed,” I lied, “give him a chance.”

He looked at me weirdly for a minute, but then lowered his gun.

“Yes your highness,” he said, then turned to give an order to the rest.  “You heard her, guns down.  Stand at attention!”

The guns were lowered as the vessel pulled into the harbor. 

“Let me through,” I commanded, pushing my way towards the ship.  “I need to speak with him.”

The guards let me though and I stood at the entrance to the dock where Hans’s ship was parked.  He stepped off the ship, looking the same as he looked in the dungeon. 

“Hello, I’m Princess Lisa of Arendelle,” I introduced myself. 

“Did you say princess?” he asked.  A look of confusion crossed his face.

“Yes,” I responded, “and you are?”

“Oh, Prince Hans of the Southern Isles.”

“You look a little tired, why don’t you rest up in my castle?”

“I would love to, your highness.”

“Oh, just call me Lisa, your highness.”

I walked Hans past some very shocked guards and into the castle. 

“So what brings you to Arendelle?” I questioned.

“Um, well I was just coming to pay a visit to Anna and Elsa, they are my very dear friends you know,”  he lied.

“Oh, they are currently on vacation.  But you are still welcome to stay here for a couple days.”

“I would love to, your highness.”

“Great, I’ll show you around.”

I started to give Hans a small tour of the castle.  We hadn’t gone far before I ran into Kristoff. 

“Lisa, a moment?” he requested, peaking out from a room.
I looked towards Hans, who thankfully hadn’t noticed Kristoff.

“Uh, excuse me,” I started, “I must go talk to our- royal farmer boy.  I’ll be right back.”

Hans gave a nod of approval and I walked into the room with Kristoff. 

“Royal farmer boy?” he asked, unimpressed.

“Yes, it was the best I could come up with,” I replied, “now you wanted me?”

“You do realize that’s Hans.”


“Well what are you doing?  Let me out there.  I’m going to show him who’s boss!”

Kristof started to push his way through, ready to hurt Hans.

“Kristoff, please,” I stammered.  “Don’t go out there.  I have a plan remember.  Just trust me on this one and we’ll get Anna and Elsa back.”

“Lisa-,” he began.


“Fine, but I’m punching him if it doesn’t work.”

“Ok, you are right my royal farmer boy, tomatoes would be amazing in the Arendelle royal garden!” I said loud enough that Hans would hear so that he would not suspect anything.

“Arendelle has a royal garden?” Kristoff whispered.

“It does now.”

“Ok, your most royal highness,” he announced, taking a bow.

Hum, I think I like Kristoff the royal farmer boy. 

I stepped out of the room to see that Hans had been waiting there. 

“Sorry about that,” I told him.

“It’s okay, I know you are busy, my princess.”

Ew.  Was he flirting with me?  I knew that my plan involved gaining his trust, but it certainly did not involve him falling in love with me.  I had to keep up my act, so I just let it slide. 

“This is our artifact room,” I announced walking into one of the rooms.   “There are many ancient works here, but the most prized is the sword in the stone.  If you can pull the sword out of the stone, you become the ruler, though nobody has been able to do it for millennia.”

I saw Hans eyes light up when I started to talk about that.

“What happens to the current royal family?” he asked.

“I don’t know,” I answered, “I suppose that they would just lead a life of luxury somewhere else.”

Just for a moment I saw a smile creep on to Hans’s face, but it disappeared as quickly as it came.

I felt a sense of pride as we left the room.  It looked like my plan might just work after all. 

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