Sneak Peak!

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Please enjoy the first chapter in The Stolen Scepter, the second book in the Adventures in Arendelle Series, which is now released!

Chapter 1

I sat down on my bed and wiped a bead of sweat from my forehead.  Today was a very hot summer day, and the AC had broken down.  The man couldn't come to fix it for 2 more days.  I looked out my window, hoping that even the smallest of breezes would come through.  But the chances of that were really unlikely, it was still and hot.  At least it wasn't humid though, that would be really cruel.  

I flopped down onto my pillows and felt my phone buzz in my hand.  I looked down to see a text from one of my best friends, Amelia.

“Have fun in Arendelle, Lisa ;-),” it read.

A surge of excitement ran through me when I thought of Arendelle.  I was leaving today to travel there for the rest of the summer.  Arendelle was a small kingdom in Norway where my sister, Elsa, ruled as queen.  I had visited Arendelle last summer also.  Elsa and my sister Anna had brought me there, claiming I was the lost princess of Arendelle.  It turned out they were correct.  I got my own room in the castle and stayed with them over the summer.  Arendelle was really pretty with the beautiful fjords that surrounded it.  

Of course, my trip to Arendelle wasn't all fun and games.  It was there that I met the man I very much hope never to see again: the sly, manipulative, power-hungry, snake they call Prince Hans of the Southern Isles.  Last year he had kidnapped Anna and Elsa in an effort to take over Arendelle.  If Anna's boyfriend, Kristoff, and I hadn't been able to stop him, who knows what would have happened.  

I was still looking forward to seeing Arendelle.  I know that I should be most excited to see my family and friends there, but honestly, the thing I was looking forward to the most was eating salami.  Every.  Single.  Day.  Yeah, I have a slight obsession with salami.  It’s really big in Norway, so we eat it everyday for breakfast.  

I heard a noise come from downstairs that I assumed was knocking.  Mom called my name a second later, confirming my suspicions.  

“Coming!” I yelled down to her.

I sat up and wrote a quick text back to Amelia.  I grabbed my suitcase and brought it downstairs.  Elsa was in the doorway, her long platinum blonde hair pulled into a braid that was resting on her back.  She wore a purple dress that came about knee length.  There were a few snowflakes at the bottom.  I assumed she put them there using her ice magic.  Elsa and mom were in deep conversation, so neither noticed when I came down.  

“So you’re off to live with those freaks again,” a voice remarked.

I turned around to face my sister, Jelena.  Jelena had light brown hair and matching eyes.  She was eleven, three years younger than me.  She was a troublemaker and loved to blame me for everything.  

“I’m the freak?  What about you?” I asked her.  Jelena and I had never exactly gotten along.

“Whatever Lisa,” she rolled her eyes, “at least I don’t have to deal with you for the next three months.”

“I can assure you, the feeling is mutual.”

“Lisa!  It’s nice to see you again!” Elsa greeted me.

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