Chapter 25

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The wolves started surrounding me, snarling and growling with every move.  I didn’t know what to do.  I froze up in fear.

“Lisa, in the sled, now,” Kristoff ordered. 

I couldn’t move.  I watched as the wolves came closer.  I knew any moment they were going to pounce and eat me alive.  I honestly thought I was going to pass out.

I heard footsteps behind me.  I was too scared to even look.  Suddenly, I was grabbed by the waist and picked off the ground.  I screamed again.

“Lisa, it’s just me,” Kristoff hushed.

I looked up to see that Kristoff had picked me up.  He brought me back to the sled and sat me on the bench. 

“Stay here,” he ordered.

I nodded obediently.  I had started to come back after nearly becoming scared to death.  My vision had cleared up and I could process some conscious thought. 

“Thank you Kristoff,” I murmured.

“Just stay here, everything will be fine,” he responded.

From behind his head, I saw a wolf come leaping for us. 

“Duck!” I screamed, watching as it came closer, ready to kill Kristoff and me.

Kristoff quickly reached into a box on the floor of the sled.  He grabbed a strange instrument that looked a lot like a guitar.  In one swoop, he hit the wolf with the instrument and it flew backwards.

“I believe that was a wolf, not a duck,” Kristoff remarked. 

“You know what I meant!  Now are you sure that is your weapon of choice?”

Kristoff looked down at the instrument that had been bent up after colliding with the wolf. 

“It’s a good thing Kyle gave us some swords from the armory,” he said. 

Kristoff put the instrument down and grabbed a long pointy sword from the box. 

“You stay here,” he ordered.

Kristoff jumped out of the sled and ran up to Sven, who was fighting off the wolves that came close with his antlers. 

Kristoff brought up his sword and slashed at every wolf that came close.  He worked his way through, blood splashing everywhere.  If just seeing the wolves didn’t give me PTSD, then seeing Kristoff killing everything would.  It was just plain gory. 

I moved to the floor of the sled, ducking my head down so that I didn’t have to watch it.  I could still hear the sound of Kristoff and Sven, slashing at the wolves.  I couldn’t believe that I thought the wolf was Hans.  Looking back on it now, that was really stupid.  A snarl?  What human would snarl?

I heard a noise from outside.  It was a mixture of a squeal, and a grunt, and a scream.  It was truly horrible.  My ears hurt after hearing it.  It was worse than any noise that I had ever heard before.  I knew that Kristoff couldn’t make that noise.  All that was left was either Sven or the wolves.

“Sven!” Kristoff screamed, concerned for his friend.

That answered my question.  I didn’t know every sound that reindeer could make, but I had never heard that sound before.

I quickly sat up to see what was going on.  A wolf was attached to Sven’s leg.  Sven was shaking it in the air, trying desperately to get the wolf off.  It wasn’t working.  The wolf had pushed his claws through his skin and was still clinging on. 

Kristoff was trying desperately to pull the wolf off, but it was hard with Sven pulling away.

“It’s okay buddy,” Kristoff cooed, “let me get it off.”

Kristoff got close one time, but a wolf came from behind that he needed to hit with his sword. 

Finally he grasped the wolf and pulled on it as hard as he could.  Sven made the noise again, shattering my ears.  The wolf picked its head up and sank its teeth into Kristoff’s arm.  He grimaced, but continued to pull.  The wolf finally gave up and released its claws from Sven.  Kristoff then threw the wolf away.  It landed with a thud on the other side of the clearing. 

“Are you okay?” I shouted to Kristoff, seeing the cut that was on his arm from where the wolf bit him.

“I’m fine,” he answered.  “I’m going to need to bandage up Sven.”

I looked over at Sven and saw red blood flowing out from where the wolf had grabbed him.

“Lisa come bring me the bandages in the box.”

I reached in and grabbed a roll of cloth bandage.  I climbed up to the front of the sled and held them out for Kristoff.

“I need you to come out of the sled,” he ordered.

“Can’t you reached them from here?” I asked, sliding the bandages closer.

“I need you to come out and fight the wolves.”

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