Chapter 27

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I waited a few seconds to be sure that the wolves had gone, feeling a sense of confidence.

“I did it,” I said, sure that the wolves weren’t coming back.

I then turned to to Kristoff, “I did it!”

I thought about what I had done.  I had fought off a bunch of wolves.  I had fought off a bunch of wolves.  The real terror started to come back after realizing what I had just done. 

“I did it,” I stammered.  “Kristoff, I think I am going to be sick!”

“Get a grip Lisa, it’s just some wolves.”

“It’s just some wolves?  It was wolves, real live wolves, Kristoff!”

“Lisa, calm down!”

“I’m trying!”

I turned around to face Kristoff, almost impaling him with the sword that I was still holding.

“Watch it!” he yelped, backing up in surprise.

“Oops, sorry,” I apologized.  “Maybe I’ll just set this down.”

I walked back over to the sled and set down the sword. 

“You finished in good time too,” Kristoff began.  “Sven’s wound has seemed to stop bleeding.”


“All I need to do is take off the blood soaked bandage and and put on a clean one.”


“We’ll be off after Hans in no time.”


“Lisa, I know you aren’t listening.”

“Shhh,” I hushed, turning to Kristoff.  “Do you hear that?”

Kristoff grew silent and we both listened. 

“No,” Kristoff responded. 

“But it’s there.  It almost sounded like...breathing.”

“Lisa, we’re human beings, we have to breathe to stay alive.”

“But it wasn’t us, it was coming from the woods.”

I started to regrip my sword. 

“Do you think it was another wolf?” I asked.

“I don’t think so, it appeared that you chased them all off.  You can go check it out though, if you would like.”

I grabbed the sword and walked towards the sound.  I looked into the darkness, but couldn’t make out anything.

“Hello?” I called out, listening for anything to stir.

I heard some movement and quickly looked up to see a tall figure standing in front of me.

“You’re good Lisa, but not good enough to beat me,” a voice said.

In just a moment I had identified it.

“Hans,” I responded, gritting my teeth.

“Catch me if you can.”

Hans took off, running through the woods.

“Kristoff!” I shouted.  “It’s Hans, he’s running away!”

“Well, what are you waiting for?  Go!  Follow him!”


“Do you want to catch the man or not?”

“Okay, I’ll go.”

I took a deep breath and looked forward into the darkness.  I could hear Han’s footsteps up ahead, racing through the woods. 

I quickly followed the sounds, trying to catch him.  The darkness was overwhelming, I couldn’t see where I was going.  I could only rely on the sounds that Hans was making. 

Eventually, I saw a faint light up ahead.  It grew closer and lead into a large clearing.  I saw Hans up ahead, lit up by the moonlight.  He was huffing and puffing, trying to catch his breath.  I was tired too, but I knew that I couldn’t stop.

Hans took a look up at me and quickly got back to running, speeding up the hill in the clearing.  I sprinted up after him, trying to close the gap between the two of us.  I was getting tired.  Even with the adrenaline rush, I couldn’t continue this for much longer.  I felt myself start to slow down.  I willed myself to keep going, but it was useless, I was too tired to continue.

I looked up, expecting Hans to be far ahead, but instead I saw he stopped only a few paces in front of me.  I quickly stopped and turned to face him.

“We both know we can’t just keep running forever, Lisa,” Hans began.  “So I’ll give you a choice.  You surrender Arendelle to me and join your beloved sisters in the dungeon, alive, or we fight it out to the death.  We all know that you would be the one doing the dying.”

“I will never give you Arendelle!” I shouted defiantly.

“Very well then.  Fighting to the death it is.  Draw your sword.”

Hans pulled a long, silver sword out of his belt.  He turned and pointed it straight at me.  I gripped my own sword and did the same. 

“You really think you can beat me, Lisa?”

“You really think you can taunt me, Hans?”

“Okay, let the fight begin.”

Hans took a slash with his sword coming straight at me.  I quickly brought my sword over to deflect it.  It was just like fighting the wolves, expect Hans had a sword also that could kill me faster.

Hans attacked again, but this time from the other side.  I managed to block it again, but still jumped a step back.

“Scared?” Hans asked.

“Not of you.”

He took another slash, forcing me to jump back again.  I was moving closer to the dark forest.  I knew that I wouldn’t have a chance in there, so I needed to attack now.  I brought my sword forward and swung it towards Hans.  However, it was poorly aimed and only managed to brush by the outside of his clothing.

“That’s the best you got?” he laughed.

He swung the sword ferociously, coming closer with every slash. I was backing up quickly now, getting closer to the woods every step.  I stepped back, but felt my back scrape up against a tree.  I was cornered.  I was trapped.  Hans came close, but instead of killing me, he stopped.

“So, Lisa, how does it feel, knowing that this is your last breath?” he asked.

He had brought down his sword and started at me, expecting an answer.  I took advantage of his vulnerability and made my last stand.  My sword quickly whisked through the air, aimed straight for Hans’s chest. 

“You really need to learn when to just be quiet!” I shouted, my sword coming closer to Hans.

He was too fast for me.  Hans had managed to bring up his sword just in time to block mine.  Out swords were locked together in a stalemate.  I pushed forward, trying to beat him.  But it was no use.  He was too strong.  The swords came closer, threatening to kill me any second. 

“After you are dead, I’ll have taken all of the Arendelle royalty,” Hans began.  “With Anna and Elsa in a cage, they’ll have no other choice than to give me Arendelle, then they’ll rot away in my dungeon for all eternity.”

I remembered the site of Anna and Elsa trapped in the dungeon.  I knew that I needed to save them, they were relying on me, I certainly couldn’t die now.  I channeled all of my anger and hatred towards Hans and used the extra energy to push the swords back.  I pushed forward, and to my relief, the swords slid back towards Hans.  Hans was surprised by my sudden new force of strength and stumbled back.  I used this to my advantage and pushed forward, bringing the swords closer and closer to Hans’s neck.
Hans suddenly spoke, “I know you couldn’t kill me Lisa.”

“And why would you think that?” I challenged.

“It’s against your nature.”

“What do you mean ‘against my nature?’”

“You couldn’t kill someone.  You just couldn’t do it.  You wouldn’t be able to bear the pain that will haunt you forever.”

“You speak as if you have had experience.”

“Yes.  I have.”

“What!  Who did you...kill?”

I felt my strength decrease from the shock, but surprisingly, the swords didn’t move. They stayed close to Hans.

“My parents,” Hans sneered in disgust. 

“You killed your parents?” I asked in disbelief.



“It was an attempted coup!  But my perfect brother Justin had to step in and take over.  Every since  that day my hunger for murder has only grown.”

I felt his strength on the swords and he pushed them closer to my body. 

“You’re a monster!” I screamed.

“Some might say that, but after I’m through will you, I’ll bring my kill tally up to-”

Hans was interrupted by a shout from the woods, “Tree!”

“Yes, tree,” Hans finished, looking satisfied with himself.  “No, three!” he continued, realizing his mistake.  “Wait, who said that?”

There was a loud crashing noise coming from the woods on my right.  Hans and I both turned our attention towards it to see a humongous tree falling forward straight towards us.  Quickly, Hans took away his sword and went running away, trying not to get hit by the tree.  I ran too, following him in hopes of not being squished.

The tree came closer to the ground, closing in on Hans and me.  I tripped over a pine cone, and came barreling down on the ground.  The tree was right over me, about to land.  I quickly rolled out of the way and closed my eyes, hoping I would be safe.

I heard a huge thump as the tree hit the ground, followed by a scream coming from Hans.  I opened my eyes and looked around.  I was safe.  The tree had landed right beside me, tearing parts of my dress, but I was still safe.

Hans was lying a couple paces ahead, near the top of the tree.  His ankle was trapped under the tree trunk and he was struggling to get it out.  Hans wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon, and I was still alive.  I had defeated Hans after all.

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