Chapter 28

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“Lisa!” I heard a voice call.

I turned around to see Kristoff emerging from the forest, Sven following close behind.  Sven’s leg was bandaged up and he was walking on it fine.

“Sorry we couldn’t come sooner, that tree was strong and tough,” Kristoff said.

“You were the one who brought down the tree?” I questioned.

“Yeah, didn’t you hear me yell it?”

“Wow, thanks.”

“I never leave home without my trusty hatchet.”


“Now we have to take care of this little rascal.”

Kristoff gestured to Hans, who was still struggling to get himself free from the tree.  We walked over to where Hans was trapped.

“I can’t believe you!” Hans shouted as I approached.

“Just be quiet Hans,” Kristoff scolded, “you’re lucky I’m not going straight to killing you.”

Hans quickly shut his mouth.

“Lisa,” Kristoff ordered, “I need you and Sven to lift the tree up, while I hold him down.”

I moved over next to Sven and pulled up on the tree trunk.  Sven reached under with his head and was pulling it up too.  Eventually, it was high enough to slide Hans out from under it.  Once Hans was out, Sven and I dropped the tree back down.  Kristoff forced Hans to stand up and grabbed him by the wrist. 

“Come on,” Kristoff said, “we are going back to the sled.”

Even with all of his grumbling, Hans reluctantly moved along with Kristoff.  The four of us walked through the darkness, heading towards where we had left the sled.  The trees opened up again, revealing Kristoff’s sled.  It was just like I had left it when I had gone to chase after Hans.  Kristoff pushed Hans into the back seat and tied him down.

“You will pay for this,” Hans threatened.

“I suggest you be quiet before I have Lisa gag you,” Kristoff responded.

“You wouldn’t dare do such a thing!”

“Lisa, do it.”

I reached into the back and grabbed an old cloth.  ‘I tied it around Hans’s mouth, making sure to leave his nose open so that he could still breathe.  Kristoff hooked  up Sven to the sled and hopped in.  I sid into the seat next to him.

“Giddiup Sven,” Kristoff shouted, cracking the reins.

Sven took off, running back down the path in which we had come in.  The woods started to clear as we kept running.  There was a faint light that I saw over on the horizon.

“It must be the sunrise,” I observed.

“Yeah,” Kristoff agreed, “we’ve been out here a while.”

As Sven continued on, the kingdom of Arendelle came back into view.  We rode all the way up to the castle, where Kyle was sitting down.

  “It’s about time you came,” Kyle remarked.  “I was starting to think something happened to you.”

“We’re fine Kyle,” I reassured him.  “We even found Hans.”

Kyle looked in the back of the sled at a very grumpy Hans. 

“That’s good,” he said,  “I still have the keys you gave me, so let’s get going to free the queen and princess.”

Kristoff untied Hans and dragged him towards the harbor.  Kyle boarded a boat, and the rest of us followed. 

“You can put him in here,” Kyle said, pointing towards a cell on the boat.

Kristoff threw Hans in and Kyle handcuffed him.  The door was closed and locked so that Hans had no way to escape. 

“Set the course for the Southern Isles?” Kyle asked.

“Yes,” I responded, “and as quickly as possible.”

“Of course, your highness.”

Kyle played with the gears and steered the boat out of the harbor and into the open sea.  I plopped down on a bench next to Kristoff.

“I never did tell you how amazing you were,” Kristoff began.

“Well thanks, “ I responded.

“No, that was really good Lisa.  Without you, we never would have captured Hans.”

“Kristoff, I appreciate the compliments, but don’t you already have a girlfriend?”

“Yes,” Kristoff stammered, turning red in the face!  “I-I wasn’t trying to-  I wasn’t flirting with you!  Lisa that’s just wrong.”

“I know,” I responded, a smile creeping onto my face, “it’s just good to know that you can get embarrassed too.”

“Lisa, you little-” Kristoff began.

“Chill out Kristoff, it was a joke.”

Kristoff settled down and pouted on the bench.  The sun was rising fast, illuminating the waters around us, it was peaceful and quiet.  I laid back and closed my eyes as Kyle sped the boat to the Southern Isles. 

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