Chapter 13

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Spending time and catching up with my family was great. I hadn't missed too much while I was gone, just normal stuff happening at normal times. We had a great Fourth of July together, but now I was ready to see my friends. We had arranged to meet at the community center, and I was all ready. I couldn't wait to see them and tell them all about my adventures in Arendelle.

But as usual, we were running late. Jelena had decided to pull a stupid prank on mom by putting clear nail polish all over her soap. So when mom tried to take a shower, she couldn't use the soap. Jelena, Mom, and I were applying nail polish remover to the soap, because naturally Jelena just couldn't stop at one bar. She did everything in the cabinet. Five bars. We spent the morning cleaning five bars of soap.

Once we got to the community center, we were ten minutes late. I walked into the main lobby and saw my friends already sitting there waiting. There was Emily, Janet, Amelia, Sarah, and Edith. They had been my besties ever since we met in sixth grade, except for Sarah, who I had known since elementary school.

"Hi Lisa!" Emily called, standing up to greet me.

"Hi!" I returned, coming to greet her in a hug.

"It's been so long," she gushed.

"I know. How's your summer been?"

"Pretty good," she said as we walked over to the others.

"I'm going to Hawaii in two weeks!" Amelia squealed.

She had been so excited since the vacation was planned back in January.

"The rest of us have had a pretty normal summer so far," Edith said. "What about you, Lisa? Where have you been?"

"Well, you might not believe it at first, but I went to Norway," I said.

"Norway?" Emily repeated.

"Yes, and apparently in Norway I am a princess."

"No way," Sarah contradicted.

"Actually yes, it's in a small kingdom called Arendelle, it's not far from the southern tip."

"Yeah, but you can't be a princess, much less in Norway," Sarah continued. "Where have you actually been?"

"I was in Norway. Arendelle. That's where I said I was."

"Lisa, tell us the truth."

"It is the truth!"

"Well, we can't believe that."

"Sometimes the truth is hard to believe!"

I could feel tears coming to my eyes. My friends wouldn't believe me. I had looked forward to this, knowing that they would love to hear all my stories about Anna, about Elsa, about Arendelle. But I was wrong. They thought I was a liar.

"Lisa, no. Tell us the truth."

"It is the truth! Believe me!"

The tears were real now. I couldn't bear it. Sarah started to say something, but I didn't listen. I turned around and ran outside. Emily started to call my name but I just ran. I didn't care. They didn't want to believe me, so I didn't want to spend any more time with them.

I ran outside and around back where I was sure that they wouldn't find me. I sat down on a bench and cried. I buried my face into my hands and let the tears stream.

After a couple minutes I felt someone sit down next to me. I hoped it wasn't one of my friends. I really wasn't in the mood to face them right now.

"Are you okay?" I heard the person ask. "You can tell me anything."

"No," I sobbed.

"Lisa, what's wrong?"

I looked up, surprised that they knew my name. Sitting next to me was Anna.

"Anna?" I asked, wiping tears from my eyes.

"Lisa, what happened?"

"They didn't believe me," I confessed. "My friends."

"Lisa, it's okay. It's hard. But you and I know the truth, that's all that matters."

"Okay," I said. I was starting to feel better and had stopped crying.

"Well, we better get going."

"Going where?"

"I'll explain later, just follow me."

Anna got up and started to walked away. She turned around to be sure that I was following her.

"Come on," she said, seeing that I was still on the bench.

"Uh, ok," I said getting up. "I still don't know where we are going."

"Arendelle, now come with me."

"Arendelle? I thought that Elsa would come on Wednesday."


"But it's Monday."


"And Elsa normally does the whole travel thing."

"Normally, yes, but this is not normal."


I was started to get really confused. Anna was picking me up early, and she agreed that this was not normal. What was happening? Maybe Elsa was ill, so she couldn't take the snowmobile. But that still didn't explain Anna picking me up two days early.

We walked towards the parking lot of the community center. Anna opened the door of a small silver car and got in. I followed her in the backseat. The driver of the car was a servant that I recognized as Kyle. I shut the door and Anna ordered him to start driving. The car took off going fast, possibly over the speed limit. I watched the community center disappear into the background as we headed to where ever we were going.

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