Chapter 26

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“Fight the wolves?” I asked in disbelief.  “I-I can’t do that!”

“Well you’re going to have to,” Kristoff responded.  “Now come here.”

I apprehensively stuck a foot out of the sled.  Then I brought out the other foot.  I had successfully stepped out of the sled without being eaten, that was good.  I shakily walked over to Kristoff. 

“Take this and deflect the wolves,” Kristoff ordered, handing me the sword.  It had been stained with blood, turning the tip a red color.

“No!” I screamed, breaking down.  “I can’t do this!”

“Yes, now I need to continue cleaning up Sven.  Take it!”

I hesitantly reached for the sword.  I grasped it's handle in my hand, feeling its weight.  The sword wasn't heavy, but by no means was it light. 

“You got it?” Kristoff asked, before heading back Sven.

“I-I guess so,” I stuttered.

“Okay good.”

I carefully gripped the sword in my hand and turned to the wolves, their growls heard in a chorus in the otherwise silent forest. 

“Nice little wolfies?” I suggested, though it sounded more like a question.

One of the wolves in the front leapt up and flew threw the air towards me, its claws sticking out like daggers. 

“Kristoff help me!” I screamed watching in terror as the wolf came closer.

“Lisa I can’t do anything right now!” Kristoff responded.  “You need to fight them!”

I watched as the wolf neared my body.  I turned away and held the sword out to somehow protect me.  I screamed and prepared for impact.

I felt the sword stagger back as though it had hit a brick wall.  I waited only a moment or two before turning around to see what had happened. 

Somehow, I didn’t have a scratch on me.  Instead, the wolf had hit the sword and bounced a few feet back, a small cut across it’s chest.

I felt a bust of confidence rush through me.  Maybe I could do this after all!  The wolves now only seemed mildly terrifying. 

I took a step closer, holding out my sword towards the wolves.  The sound of the growls grew as I stepped closer.

From the back of the pack, a wolf ran and lunged at me.  I took a slash at it with the sword and sent it hurdling backwards.  Another wolf jumped up, but I successfully blocked it. 

Things were going pretty well.  Kristoff was nearly done bandaging Sven, I had deflected off a few wolves, and none of us had died yet!

Another wolf came leaping up from the right, snarling loudly.  I quickly brought my sword around to the left, ready to send the wolf away.  I knocked it with my sword, but another wolf had come from the right.  It collided with my sword, sending the weapon flying out of my grip.  It landed on the ground, echoing off the noise of the impact.

“What was that?” Kristoff asked, hearing the noise.

All of the terror I had felt before returned.  I was weaponless against a whole bunch of angry wolves.  By the looks of it, I only had two options.  I could stand their and do nothing, or I could go after the sword.  If I wanted to survive, going after the sword was my only option.  Given that I wouldn’t die in the pack of wolves.  

I dove down into the pile of wolves, reaching for the sword.  I felt the impact of the ground and soon a handful of wolves grab onto me from the back.  I let out a scream in agony as I felt their claws sink into my back.

“Lisa!” I heard Kristoff scream.  I knew he wouldn’t be able to do anything without a weapon though.  I was on my own to do this. 

Fighting against the pain, I stretched out and reached towards the sword.  My fingers were just barely able to touch it.  I reached out a little farther, so that I could grab it in a solid grip.  But instead of pulling out farther, I felt myself sliding back.

I looked back to see that some wolves had now grabbed onto my feet and were pulling me towards them.  I could hear the tear of the fabric as they pulled on my dress. 

I fought back a scream and the tears forming in my eyes.  I just needed to go a little bit farther.  I grabbed onto some grass to steady myself. 

Despite the pulling and the pain filling up my body, I pushed on, determined to reach the sword.  I only needed a little more.  I felt my finger brush the top of the grip and managed to push it a little closer.  I got a firm grip on the sword and spun around, taking out multiple wolves.  I managed to stand up, wolves falling off of my body.  I gave a kick of my leg and the last wolf fell off. 

“Die!” I screamed, rushed forward, slashing my sword wildly.

Wolves went flying back and disappeared into the back of the pack.  I kept pushing my way forward, forcing the wolves to fall back. 

“Leave me alone!” I screamed, feeling all of the pain they had caused earlier.

I gave another slash of the sword, hearing the sound of the sword cutting through the air.  I didn’t hit any wolves, as they had started to back up into the woods, giving up. 

I paused my rage and looked back at the wolves.  Most of the smarter ones turned to run back into the dark forest, leaving only a few persistent ones. 

“Go away!”  I screamed, and gave another slash of the sword.

The remaining wolves scampered off into the forest, joining the rest of their pack.

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