Chapter 12

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Nick POV

After Mia left the room, Ann closed the door.

“What do you think?” I asked her.

She took a deep breath and released it before she said, “I can’t make sure of that without those tests result. However, based on our short conversation just now, she went through a very depressing experience and on top of that, it was done by the two most trusted persons that any child can have. Her own parents, Nick. It’s different when a girl got sexually abused by a stranger or a friend or even a relative. She definitely will have trust issue. But it’s a very good progress that she trusts you and your Nana.”

“Do you think she needs any medication?” I asked her.

“Not for now. As long as she can deal with her past and moved forward, I believe she just needs counseling. But again, I must see the test result first.”

“If I asked you to talk to her parents or even the police, can you do that?”

“Of course.” She said and we both walked to the door.

I saw her sitting on the coach in Ann’s living room, playing with her phone.

“Are you ready?” I asked her.

She nodded with a smile. She grabbed her purse and after saying goodbye to Ann, we drove back to my home.

“I sent message to Mrs. Brown,” She said after we arrived and walked to my room.

“Is that what you did at Ann’s home?” I asked her.

“Yes. But she didn’t reply, I’m worried.” She said to me while opening my drawer to borrow my tshirt.”

“I’ll call her,” I said and walked out of the room.

I used my house phone and dialed Nana’s. She answered after second ring, “Hello.”

“Hi Nana, it’s Nick.”

“Hi Nick, is Mia with you?”

“Nana, did mom told you what happened with Mia?” I asked her trying to figure out the situation there.

“Yes, I thought Mia will be happy. But then your mom told me that Mia’s missing.”


“I’m so worried, is she with you?” she asked me again.

“Yes Nana. She’s here with me.” I said to her, hesitating whether or not I should ask her to keep it a secret.

“Ask her to come here Nick. Her parents are worried about her.”

“She doesn’t want to meet them Nana,” I told her, “They seemed to be the reason why Mia has nightmares every time she’s asleep.”

“What?” she sounded shocked, “But they looked nice parents.”

“Well, I can’t talk much now Nana. Look, Mia’s staying here but please don’t let anyone know about this. There’s something I need to make sure first.”

“Alright. Take good care of her.”

“Thanks Nana.”

I hung up the phone and walked back to my room. Mia was already asleep there on my bed. I didn’t bother to change, I only took off my tshirt and pants. I took shorts and wore it before I lied myself next to her. I held her from behind her and she took my hand and gave them some kisses. “Good night Nick,” She said softly.

“Good night Mia,” I told her before I gave her head some kisses.

I avoided my parents and hers so I asked her not to come to work instead she went to the hospital with me to take the tests that Ann suggested. Since I already arranged not to take many patients today, right after Mia finished all the tests and waited for an hour for the result, we headed back to my home.

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