I have been tagged oh jeezus

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Turn on the song!!😉 seriously I went through hell trying to find it cause I didn't know what it was called.

I have been tagged by!!

Drum roll please


Well okay then.

marchingmango has tagged me and according to the rules of Wattpad tagging I must answer the following questions..

Alright first one issssss... Do I have a crush?

I used to have like, 7 but ever since I moved to a new state I have not fallen for anyone. Don't get me wrong, I have fallen on someone just not for someone...

I fell on my teacher a few months ago... long story.


Middle name? Cameron

My height?.... 5'3...fml

Eye color? Green yet slowly turning into a weird freaking shade of hazel

Last time I cried? Three minutes ago, I just watched Big Hero 6.

Biggest fear? Claustrophobic af(for some reason I feel like I'm gonna wake up in a coffin one day??)

Last person I texted? My mom

Favourite app... Wattpad is my addiction... I need medical assistance.

Tag 20 people (instead of 20 I'm gonna do 30)

Frick yeah LETS GOOO

1.) sp00kyrjoseph

2.) DunWithAllTheseHoes

3.) Shipxper

4.) ryan_urie

5.) TylerTheStone

6.) mariana_cristinaa

7.) Shyana700

8.) RileyTheTrashQueen


10.) pasteljxseph

11.) nb_xx_stories

12.) Differently__sane

13.) abr1elle

14.) itsavajl

15.) CrazyDemigodLovesLeo

16.) ohtrashforfanfiction

17.) BlurryfaceCook2003

18.) OhJennaJoseph

19.) 0blurryfaced0

20.) MyaLovesMusic

21.) Flor_is_Trash

22.) -OhMsBeliever-

23.) Cyan_Unicorn_24

24.) messed-up-mind

25.) iRapunzel-5

26.) llsumduntrashll

27.) Pinestwins04

28.) WhyCantJoshBeReal

29.) -666BANDTRASH

30.) @everyone else

If I didn't tag you please don't think of yourself as less then anyone here, I appreciate the support from everyone who has even somewhat acknowledged my books. Thank you so much, seriously.

If you really do wanna be tagged maybe I should tag someone each chapter? That'd be cool.

Anyways I hope you like the bachelor party chapter, I made sure to post it right before this one. And I hope you liked this as well, it was fun!

Also, the wedding will be between these three choices(I'll judge by the numbers of comments so pretty please with a beebo on top vote for one)

The Helena church

In a Forest

Somewhere in Ohio

Voting ends: July 16th

!Forest won!


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