Chapter 3: Stay With Me

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"It isn't weird to ask you over to my house tonight, is it?"

The question had come out of nowhere. I was driving down the street with Lauren like any other morning and suddenly I'm sprung with this. Practically choking out a cough, I swerve back into my lane and composed myself, "Uh, over to your house? Like to hang out?"

"Yeah," she rushed out, her green eyes falling to her fidgeting fingers. "I mean, you are awesome to hang out with in the morning. I figured maybe you would like to hang out when we aren't.... you know, driving Miss Daisy and all that."

I opened my mouth but suddenly shut it when no sound came out. Eyebrows bunching together, I attempted to swallow the lump in my throat. With a cough, I started carefully, "Well, it isn't like I haven't thought about asking you out too. Er, wait"
I stumbled, knowing my statement must have come out awkward. Stuttering out my correction, I blurted, "I mean asking you to hang out. I just figured we were... yeah, just business."

She giggled when I sent a wary smile towards her direction. "Well, I would like to be more than business. You really are good company."

"Well," I sighed out, finally coming to some sort of control of my emotions, "I will have to say that I can stand to see you more than once a day. So, hanging out tonight should be great."

"Great!" she exclaimed as we pulled up to her firm's building. Lauren's hair shifted to her eyes as she gave me a smile while taking off her seatbelt. Opening the door and sliding out, she bent back down with a grin, "It will be me and a few friends. Come over my house around 8. There will be drinks."

Nodding, I lean back and smile, "Already trying to get me drunk Jauregui? I don't think you're ready."

"Oh, now I'm excited," Lauren made her way to my side of the car and leaned down against the open car window, "Ugh, how will I get through work now?"

"Text me on your breaks. It's not like I do anything important at my job." I ran a hand through my hair nervously waiting for her reaction.

"Omg, yes," she sat straight back up with an excited grin, "Get ready for all the spam headed your way Cabello."

Shrugging, I admit, "I can handle some spam from you."

With eager happiness, she reached over and grabbed the cups of coffee I handed her, "I'll see you tonight then?"

"Of course."

And with that, Lauren walked towards the building. I watched her as she moved, reaching the door just as it closed at her face. I could imagine her facial expression as she desperately looked around for some sort of help. A random man, who was heading the same direction, opened the door for her and with a chuckle and a roll of my eyes; I looked away from the pair and pulled away.


I sat on the couch as the rest of the group talked, a fruity concoction in my hand as I enjoyed the nice tingling sensation I was beginning to feel. If I weren't a bit tipsy, I would have wiped the stupid grin that was sitting on my face. The smile was starting to hurt my cheeks, but I couldn't help but laugh and happily sit in my spot.

I always thought drinking was a nice experience, and I had gotten to a point where I knew when I should stop and sit until I passed out with no hang over the next day. I was so close to it by now, maybe a drink or two away, but my mind forgot all about insuring my potentially happy non-hangover morning when a certain girl would stop by to check on me.

Lauren had been moving about often, making sure everyone was involved and having fun. It was her home, so of course she was doing her best to be a good hostess. I wasn't sure if she had drunk enough to feel a bit tipsy herself, but I had always spotted her with a drink in her hand. It was most likely the same one as she laughed and added to the chatter in the room.

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