Chapter 17: May I Have This Dance

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Even though there were days that were awkward and just plain painful, there were days that everything just suddenly fell back to normal. Those were the days I craved and yearned for. They were the few short hours I had to actually enjoy Lauren being around. We would laugh and smile with the feeling of 'nothing has changed' overshadowing our problems. The feeling was so overpowering we seemed to forget all the hurt and confusion and simply enjoyed each other's presence.

It was nice and it was needed. If it was awkward all the time, I think we would eventually just fall into nothing. With those small hours of everything disappearing and it only being the two of us, it kept us working towards still being friends.

Tonight was one of those nights. I grabbed a bottle of wine, some unhealthy foods, and swung by Lauren's place by her request. I tried not to surprise her anymore, because of what happened that other morning with Brad being there. So the times Lauren actually asked me to come by, I literally sped over knowing that Brad wouldn't be terrorizing me with his sickening grins and throat punching laughs.

When I had gotten there, bags in my hand, she opened the door with a smile, "Oh, I see you have brought refreshments!"

"Only the finest beverage for Lady Jauregui," I lifted up the wine bottle with a grin, "And if I could direct your attention to our meal tonight," With a nod to my other lifted up hand, I showed her the bag full of chips, dip, frozen mozzarella sticks, and pizza.

"Oh I am simply faint from hunger," she said in a western lady accent, "Whatever would I do without you?"

I followed her as she turned and walked into the kitchen, laughing as I kicked the door shut, "If I had a hat, I would totally tip it cowboy style."

"I thought you were a ninja," Lauren giggled in reply as she helped me with the bags, placing them on the ground before moving to put everything in the fridge.

"I am a ninja," I stated simply as I helped as well, passing her things when she looked for more, "But I'm a gentleman like a cowboy."

"I hardly doubt it," she teased with a roll of her eyes, "I've seen how you act when alcohol is around."

"If I have to fight for a bottle, then I will!" I defended with a point of my finger, "Wine deserves no less from me."

She laughed as I smiled. When everything was put away, she took out two glasses and popped the bottle open. Turning to me, she handed me one and smiled, "Is there anything you want to do?"

Shrugging, I turned and walked towards the living room, "No, not really. Just kinda came over to chill."

"I'm down," I heard her reply from behind me. Glancing back at her with a smile, I watched her green eyes look at me while she continued, "But chilling has to involve something."

"Wine?" I guessed while plopping on the couch.

"Check," she answered, grabbing the remote before sitting next to me.


"Double check."

"Alright, I think we are settled then." When she rolled her eyes, I shrugged, "What more do we need? We have life in this very living room."

"Well none of that sounds like fun," She complained with a whine.

"I'm sorry, but did you just say wine wasn't fun?" I gasped, caressing my glass in my hand with a pout to it, "It's ok baby, she didn't mean it."

"Oh my god you are a child," She huffed before flicking my ear. Yelping, I rubbed it with another pout. Glaring at me, she pressed, "Think of something fun to do, or the wine will suffer."

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