Chapter 9: Shape of You

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"I need to start working out," Lauren whined as we sat outside her work for lunch, "Summer is rolling around and I have to look good." Her reasoning for working out is what confused me the most. I opened my mouth only to scrunch my eyebrows. Lauren noticed and perked, "What? What were you going to say?"

I opened my mouth again, but when nothing came out I only shook my head and stated the only word that really expressed my confusion, "Uh...what?"

She laughed as she went back to her food, eating happily, "Well I do need to look good for the summer. I mean, it's the season of hardly wearing clothes."

Oh dear lord help me. Sighing, I explained as best as I could, "You know, Lauren, you already look good. I mean... I could've sworn you own a mirror? Babe, you're fucking flawless."

The roll of her eyes was all I needed to come to the conclusion that she didn't believe me. Rolling my own, I listened as she complained, "I'm not flawless Camila, and I haven't worked out in so long. My tummy is getting fat."

"Lo, seriously look at you. You're just..." I gave up when I realized that she stopped paying any mind to what I was trying to say. "Actually, it wouldn't hurt to start getting into shape." I shrugged, trying to play it off.

I watched her as she started talking to herself. "I wonder if I should start running again or just start trying to tone myself up."

Huffing, as I grew annoyed, I snapped my fingers in her face to grab her attention. She blinked, a bit startled, and turned to me with her eyebrows wrinkled together. Giving her a bland look, I tried to explain it in a way she understood, "Working out just to look good just sounds shallow. If anything, why don't you work out to be healthy?"

"Isn't that the same thing?" She asked, confused.

I shook my head and took a bite of my fry, "No, it isn't. One makes you starving yourself to death and beating up your body to lose weight, the other is an easy going constant routine that keeps you looking how you look now."

"But I-"

I brought my hand up to her face with a grim expression, "If you sit here and tell me you don't look good now, I swear to you I will throw every single thing in your "hidden stash" in your home away."

She gasped in shock, "You wouldn't dare!"

I glared and stated otherwise, "I have a key to your place, remember?"

"That's cheating, Camz," She whined as I went back to eating my food while ignoring her, "You can't just keep my food hostage over something you don't want me doing."

"And yet the fate of your late night cravings lies in my hand," I replied as I grabbed my bag of food and crumbled it into a ball, "Your choice."

"Ugh," Lauren whined, watching me as I got up to throw my trash away, "Fine, whatever. I will work out to be healthy."

"Great," I said with a nod while turning around from the trashcan, "Then when should we start?"

"You're joining me?" she asked with a little bounce as she jumped from her seat.

I took her trash and threw it away, "Duh. How else am I supposed to make sure you aren't abusing your body?"

"Great!" She flashed me a smile, grabbing her purse as she slowly began to walk away, "Let's start tomorrow!"

"Great..." I rolled my eyes as she danced all the way to her swinging door.


Oh god I was out of shape. I think it became kind of obvious after the 2-mile run we did. I had hunched over just as we finished and coughed out a lung as I heaved in breaths. How anyone can stand running every day, I don't know. What was so enjoyable with having your heart continuously thumping in your chest as your lungs literally never- seriously NEVER- have enough oxygen?!

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