Chapter 32: Consequences

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Five minutes turned into 20. Lauren fell back asleep so quickly that I didn't even get a chance to get out of bed. She was far too cute when slumbering, causing me to just lay with her my hands running up and down her back for another hour. When she finally woke up she nuzzled into the sheets with a yawn. I explained to her where her last hour went and she totally pouted and apologized.

"Oh god, you should have nudged me or something," She yawned again with a small stretch, "I can absolutely sleep the whole day if you let me."

"You were cute," I admitted, smiling when she looked away a tad embarrassed.

"Then it looks like on the weekends we are going to be in the bed until 3," she teased with a roll of her eyes, "Seeing as I am "too cute" to be woken up at the decent time."

"Guess so," I poked back, grinning and just as I was about to lean in for a kiss, I froze. I don't know why, but I went from totally comfortable to completely anxious in two seconds. So, instead of leaning in all smooth like a criminal, I moved in then jerked to a stop.

Her green eyes watched me curiously, a questioning little eyebrow rising as the heat rose in my cheeks and I looked away. I refused to look at her after the fact, feeling completely stupid and foolish. I felt the bed shift as Lauren propped herself up, hovering over me. Her voice raspy and sexy as she teased, "Oh, I do believe I was just about to receive a kiss."

I think my blushing increased tenfold in two seconds. Glaring at the wall I didn't reply, knowing that I wasn't going to hear the end of this. Her laugh was soft as she placed her forehead on my cheek, "But what happened? I don't get one anymore?"

"Shut up," I mumbled, still refusing to turn my head towards her.

"But..." she leaned closer with a pout, "I want the kiss you just denied me."

I couldn't control the smile that slipped my lips. I shifted, turning back to Lauren as she hovered over me, her pout still on. With a roll of my eyes, I reached my hand behind her neck carefully before pulling her down to me. There was a smile as she obeyed with no resistance, no second thoughts. As I moved my lips with hers, tumbling and getting lost slowly, I thought of how much I loved the way she responded to me. It was stupid, but the idea of her only answering to my tugs and pulls for a kiss, or anything else, just caused my heart to thump just a little harder.

She pulled away with a hum, her smile still on her lips as she mumbled, "I can totally get used to that."

I chuckled before shifting, sitting up when she gave me the room. With a sigh, I ran my hand through my hair. Glancing at her, she gave me one more kiss and stated; "Now we start the day!"

Smiling just a bit more, I rolled my eyes and said, "Yup, now we start the day."

She was the first to untangle herself from the sheets to get up from bed. As she did, my eyes were glued to her amazing body, her hips swaying as she walked by me with no signs of embarrassment that she was completely naked. The only sign I could see that she even knew she had no clothes on was the glance she threw me over her shoulder, a smirk on her face.

I swallowed and kept staring, not caring if she knew. As I stared she put on an oversized hoody that draped all the way to her middle thigh. Then with a shimmy, she slipped up a pair of panties. After that she didn't put on any more, instead she spun to look at me and said, "I'll shower after breakfast."

Blinking, I just simply nodded. Smiling, she left me in the room to watch her walk down the hall. When she disappeared, I finally moved out of the bed, picked up the spare clothes I borrowed, and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. There was a spare toothbrush always here for me, considering I used to sleep over drunk all the time. I was relieved to see it was still sitting at her sink, even though I hadn't slept over in a while.

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