Chapter 14: Somebody Else

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I sat on the couch, leaning back against the cushions with an amazing girl straddling my waist. My head was rolled back, watching her as she sat on me while running her fingers through my hair. We were waiting on Lauren, reaching the final half hour of her time to show up. I had just finished cleaning the place up with Lucy's help and this was our only chance to sit down and relax.

A strand of hair slipped over my eye, which she took care of with a gentle brush of her finger. Smiling slightly in thanks, I sighed while placing my hands on her waist. I didn't have to say it, she could already tell by my body language. Leaning forward, she kissed my temple gently, "Baby, you need to relax."

I gave her a wary look as she pulled away. For some reason it felt like I was waiting for to her to meet my parents, hoping they approved. Not the same thing, just the same feeling. Lauren didn't have to approve her, she sent the message that best friend approval didn't matter when she continued to hang out with the douche bag that was separating and splitting us apart. It felt more like after today I could finally move on.

I guess that is what scared me the most. Having to let it all go. I don't know why it felt like this was the final day for Lauren to do something, to say something, to bring up something, but it did. I'm sure after tonight Lucy would finally bring up the possibility of us taking our relationship to the next level, because I was playing the take it extremely slow card on her, and it was slowly starting to wear down us down. The sexual tension was through the roof sometimes.

Brown eyes gazed down at me and I realized I was caught wandering off in my thoughts again. Something I had been doing often when I was with her. It didn't irritate her, she just simply took notice of it. Leaning down, Lucy pressed her forehead against mine and mumbled against my lips, "Why are you so nervous? What are you afraid of?"

I shut my eyes so I didn't have to look so deeply into hers. I felt like if I kept them closed she couldn't see right through me, but I knew she could, with or without my eyes open. It didn't matter what I said, because if it weren't the truth she would know. So I simply shook my head and shakily gripped her waist tighter, trying to keep my breath steady.

Her fingers ran down my left cheek, and slowly, she moved her lips against mine. I kissed her back, slowly pulling her closer as she gradually adjusted to my need to cling to her. Her warmth was keeping me sane, grounded, solid. She was the one anchoring me and for a moment I was beginning to float away.

The amazing thing about her was that she understood my needs. Just like she knew I understood hers. She knew I needed her to reel me back if my mind started to wander again. It was something I never mentioned to her. I think, after all this time, looking in my eyes, she saw the fear within them.

Lucy simply knew I needed her more times than others. I truly don't deserve her.

The more intense our kisses got, the more my shaky hands would pin her into me. I was clinging, hard. I needed to stop but I couldn't. I was too scared. Too scared to be left alone. Too scared to sit and be calm. She pulled away when a whimper slipped my lips. She stroked my cheek and shushed me quietly, "Stop, you are fine. There is no reason to be scared."

I nodded, listening to her voice as she guided me back.

"It's just your best friend and me meeting. If she is your best friend, Mila, then of course I'm going to like her," she continued to mumble as she soothingly ran her hand from my cheek to my neck, gripping it carefully as she continued, "There isn't anything to be so nervous over."

I continued to nod, repeating what she said to me over and over. She was right. This wasn't the end. I wasn't reaching my time of death. It was just them meeting. After this, when Monday morning came rolling around, I'll take Lauren to work like I did every weekday. After work, I'll go to the gym with her, like I did every day. When she's bored, I'll take her to that huge vinyl record store, like I did everytime.

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