Chapter 15: Skinny Love

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What used to be simple interactions now became insanely infuriating. Lauren and I hung out just like we always had, but now there seemed to be a block in our relationship- a hint of something lingering around us all the time. There were different ways to describe it, to explain how it felt.

What was simple became complicated. Every action became calculating. Every step of mine was a move, a placed piece that could only be effective and noticed by Lauren herself. But my pieces were blind, stumbling, and lost. They were confused, ignorant, and chaotic. What I thought I was doing right I was actually doing wrong and what made it even more unfair is that it seemed nothing I did was ever right.

So it continued. The constant push, the lingering pull. There it sat. Along with all of us: Lucy, Lauren, Brad, and I.

"Laser tagging."

I blinked, catching myself in thought again. Clearing my throat, I looked over at Lucy as she smiled at me, nodding excitedly as she pressed, "It would be stupid fun, and we just HAVE to go."

Chuckling, I took a glance at Lauren, who was sitting there as she ate silently. Today was something a bit different, seeing as plans seemed to jumble and mash together. Lucy had surprised me for lunch, which I then in turn explained that I went to Lauren's job for lunch every day. So, being the most understanding girlfriend that she was, Lucy assured it was no problem and we both went to visit Lauren.

I wasn't quite sure, but I could have sworn I thought I saw Lauren's smiling face when she saw me drop to a frown when she took notice that Lucy was with me as well. Maybe it was only in my mind, or maybe she was upset with something else, but the sight stuck with me, which is when I fell into thought.

"Well, it sounds like fun," I commented with a nod, then prodding Lauren to join the conversation, I pressed, "Why don't we go on our day off tomorrow, Lo?"

She blinked when she heard her name. Pulling her eyes away from her food, she looked up at me with slight confusion on her face, "I thought you worked tomorrow."

These were one of the times I thought I was doing something right, more like prayed I was doing something right. With a grin, I shook my head and admitted proudly, "As soon as you told me you had a day off after months of working every single week day, I informed the boss man I simply could NOT go into work tomorrow." Her green eyes continued to stare at me, slightly stunned. With a casual shrug and smile, I finished, "When he asked why, I karate chopped him in the neck, ninja flipped out, and jumped to the next roof from the shattered window."

Her stunned face slowly melted as a smile began to play at her lips. Soaring at the sight, I attempted not to fist pump and dance right at the spot.

"Your job is a one story building, babe," Lucy pointed out with a bland voice, which I in turn whirled to her and attacked her with tickles as she laughed and pressed, "You aren't a freaking ninja, you probably just gave him a lame ass excuse."

I laughed as I poked her sides, grumbling to her in a teasing tone, "Don't you go stating your opinion to my best friend, she knows I'm a mother fucking ninja!" Then pulling away from Lucy, I grinned at Lauren, "Isn't that right, Lo? Your best friend is a freakin' ninja isn't she?!"

But Lauren wasn't sitting there anymore. Actually, she had gotten up, thrown her trash away, and waved her hand as she walked away, "Breaks over, I'll see you later."

Even when I thought I was doing right...

I wasn't.


After work, I went to Lucy's place to hang out with her. I hadn't bothered to see if Lauren was busy, because I was too nervous to try. As I started to screw up more and more, I began to think how awkward it would be alone with just the two of us without Lucy to break the silence or bring up conversation. So I was beginning to slightly avoid alone time with Lauren.

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