Chapter 12: Chasing Pavements

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The most interesting thing about Lauren and I talking again was the fact that nothing changed at all. After that night, we started working out together again, hanging out on Fridays if we were free, and just enjoying our mornings.

I don't know how else to put this... but it was also confusing at times.

There were times where we honestly enjoyed each other's company and times where it was like I stepped on a single nerve Lauren in her body. Half of the time I didn't know I was doing anything wrong, or what exactly I said to get her so on edge.

One moment we're laughing, the next moment she is storming off and mumbling something about how she will be right back.

What the hell was I doing wrong?

Besides Lauren being fun to be around but confusing as fuck, Lucy seemed to be getting better with each date. I found out she wanted to travel too, backpack and all. After our dates we would spend hours simply talking about life and anything we could think about. Sometimes we didn't go out at all content to just watch a movie at her place.

She was just amazing. Her passion was collecting knives, which convinced me that one wrong move would cost me my head. I can't tell you how many times she pulled one out just to flip me the fuck out.

But when Friday rolled around and Lauren was with Brad and I with my girl, I made a huge mistake.

I didn't notice but Lauren had been brought up in a lot of my conversations with Lucy. I didn't get my fingers chopped for it, even though I wished I had. As soon as Lucy noticed me spilling so much about Lauren, a bet was placed. If she won a game of pool, she got to meet this mystery girl.

If she lost, it'd never be brought up again.

"Fuck," I panicked as Lucy aligned the colored balls in order. Funny thing is she had a table in her very own house, which meant there was no way in hell I would've won way back on our first date, "Do you honestly want to meet her?"

"Well she sounds really nice to be around, so why not?" Lucy replied as she angled a shot. I ogled the curve of her back as she leaned forward on the table.

She pocketed the blue number 2 ball in side pocket on her first turn. Wracking my brain, I stuttered out, "Well I mean she is, but she's probably completely swamped."

"When?" she teased as lined up another shot, 3 ball corner pocket. With a smirk, she continued while looking at me, "All the time?"

I blinked. She leaned back on table as she stared right into my eyes.

6 ball side pocket.

"Oh, come on!" I complained as she laughed in my face. I pointed at the table, "I mean, you made that one without even looking!"

Lucy only shrugged and missed her next shot on purpose and slowly walked towards me. She placed the cue stick in my hand while giving me a smooth smile, "Try not to miss too bad, alright?"

After my complete failure of a first turn, Lucy finished the game in a clean sweep. She walked over, kissed my cheek, and murmured quietly in my ear, "I'm going to enjoy meeting this Lauren character."

I blinked, because I just signed myself a death wish. I spoke out jumbled words as she slid her finger across my back while she passed me. It didn't matter that what I had just said didn't make any sense, because she wasn't paying attention to me anyway. Instead, she went over and gave Thor a little rub on his stomach while throwing me another smile.

I opened my mouth, wanting to press the current issue further, but just like a brick wall, it hit me that I wasn't going to win. Then it hit me again that Lucy wasn't the type of girl I could win with. I could see my future now. Arguments would always be hers, truths will always be told, and I wouldn't even dare to ever be caught even interacting with another girl.

Her smile turned soft as she gave Thor one last pat and walked back towards me. Taking my hand, she held it gently as she slowly pulled me back to the living room, "Let's play some Mario Kart. Don't worry, I'll go easy on you."

She couldn't have been talking about the game. She just couldn't have been. Lucy was too clever, too quick to slip anything past her. I think she knew exactly what I had just realized. I think I knew she was reassuring me that it wouldn't be as bad as it seemed.

That future didn't look bad at all. Actually, it looked appealing. I had no problems having her rule the relationship completely, absolutely none. She was the type of girl who didn't take the bullshit, and I respected that completely. This girl has me completely whipped. Our brown eyes were steady on each other. She ended up lying back on the couch as I carefully climbed on top of her. As she tugged my waist down against hers I was left slipping my knee between her legs before connecting our lips. "I don't think this is the kind of rainbow road you had in mind," I teasingly added.

Lucy let out a laugh against my lips, "Shut up and kiss me Cabello."

Should I give up
Or should I just keep chasing pavements? Even if it leads nowhere...

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