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Tyler and Josh sat on two rusted, old swings whose poles were more chipped than they were painted. A small breeze blew through the autumn leaves. There was the faint sound of a couple of kids playing on the play-set just a bit away. There were no dogs though. Movies and TV shows always add people walking their dogs, or throwing frisbee or a ball or stick, but there's truthfully rarely anyone ever taking their pets to the park anymore. Josh likes to think that people just do those things at their homes, in their backyards and the such. Tyler thinks people just don't care or love as much anymore.

"I have a band concert this Friday," Josh says, "It starts at six."

"Oh, dang man, I have a basketball game that day. I really wanted to come," Tyler kicks at the ground, sending a puff of dirt and dust into the air.

"It's alright! It might be better, really. I'd probably just be more nervous about messing up if you were there." Josh shook his leg, it made the chains on his swing clang and the whole swing-set wiggle so he stopped and just started swinging slowly.

"Well, alright. I have another game on Saturday and I'll probably be pretty pooped, so maybe we should have practice after church on Sunday?"

"Yeah," Josh brought the swing to a stop, the change of subject calming his anxiety, "That should work pretty well."

"Let's walk down to the creek and take that way back to my house," Tyler stood up from the swing, Josh following his lead down the dirt path.

"What do you think is going to become of us, Tyler?"

"I don't know. We might become famous, we might flop. I know you live and breathe Plan A, but perhaps you should at least think about a Plan B."

"Bro, you get out of something what you put into it. So if I put everything into Plan A, I'll get everything I need and maybe some to spare."

"Yeah, but life turns plans on their head. I'm just going to be a bum."


Tyler sat on the edge of his bed, glancing out the window to his right at the stars above the world. It was 3:43 a.m. when Tyler whispered to the night sky, "There's no point."

But there was a reason. Tyler cared about Josh. And he cared about music. He also liked the quiet of the night, though it was the same thing he hated and feared most. Well, almost most. Winter was the true Devil. But why would you want to go on when there were reasons to write but no point to write with?

Tyler decided to get up from his bed. He walked to his closet and pulled out his keyboard. He sat it down on his floor, in the middle of his room right where the moon and the streetlamp both shine on the cream coloured carpet. He sat down indian style in one swift motion. He began to play out some notes. He slowly began to sing and let it all build, "Had to say goodbye, as time ran out, sail across the world, just to find a pearl, on the other side, hope the pearl won't forget this song, and won't forget the sky."

Tyler began to think of Josh again, thought of how much he appreciated his best friend, and he let it take over as he sang, "A song is not much time to show, how beautiful you are, but I will sing a song to your heart, I don't know what I should give, or what I'm to sing, all I can do is give you this, And let my heart play, I know your face, let this song whisper your name."

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