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"Hello! You've reached Jonny's voicemail. Please leave a message and I'll try my best to reach you later."


"Hi, Jonny Boy! I was calling to apologize for not being able to make it to the birth of your girl. I was planning on going, as I thought it was only fair that I come to your big day as you did mine, but Moses came down with an infection at the last minute and Gwen wanted me to stay back and take care of him. So I'm very, very sorry and I hope that you will forgive me. I'm also very curious about the name of her! You did say once that you would name her after a flower, and my interest in whether or not you followed through is peaked!

"Anyway, call me back. I'm not doing much, so I'll probably pick up. Talk to you later, J! Bye!"

Chris put his mobile with a sigh. He had given Moses his medicine a little bit ago and the boy had finally settled into slumber for the first time in what seemed like a week. Apple was out with her mum, buying groceries, and they'd hopefully be back soon, because poor Chris was bored half to death.

His mobile buzzed and he picked it up to see one new message from Jonny. He smiled as he opened it, and his grin widened as he read it.

Hey Chris! Sorry I missed your call, I'm in the hospital room with Chloe and neither of us had gotten any sleep, so we were out like lights.

The man reread the message, and thought about his reply before actually typing it.

thats ok, j. im sorry if i woke u up. that was not my intention i swear!

He hoped that Jonny would see the playfulness in his message and respond accordingly. He loved flirting- teasing- with Jonny.

He received a new message not a minute later.

You liar! You totally intended to wake me, you arse!

Chris chuckled to himself and waited for Jonny to finish typing his message.

Anyway, to answer your question, we named her Violet. It was my idea. I actually wanted to name her after a song from our album, because it's my favorite and it's a reminder of the era that she was born in, ya know? I thought Violet fit perfectly, since I did want to name my daughter after a flower, and I love Violet Hill, so there ya go.

Violet. It did have a very Jonny-like ring to it, Chris thought. It was sweet and gentle, like him. It was indeed a perfect name for Jonny's daughter.

its absolutely perfect, j. its a very jonny-like name indeed

Chris smiled, then chuckled and sent him another message.

i think the name violet suits you very well!

Gwenyth walked through the door then, a handful of groceries in one of her arms, and a sleepy Apple in the other. "Here, let me help you," Chris offered, taking Apple from her arms and moving away so she could set the groceries on the counter. He kissed his daughter on the cheek and asked Gwen if she wanted him to put their daughter to bed, who said, frustrated, "Why do you need to ask me? Just do it!"

She stormed out to get more groceries from the car, and a Chris, confused, walked into Apple's bedroom to put her to bed.

When he came back out, Gwen was sitting on the couch, crying, none of the groceries put away, which was unlike her to leave the kitchen such a mess.

"Gwen?" He sat next to her and patted her leg. He didn't ask her what was wrong yet, he just embraced her and let her cry.

"It's alright, love. Let it out."

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