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Chapter 4! Enjoy!

*oh yeah I am sorry if this one seems kind of sad...*

Julie's PoV:

I am standing next to Karen as she watch mom and dad from our cabin window at the lake. They are going out for the evening and Karen is watching me, though I was only ten. After a while, she gasps as I see tire tracks leading into the lake. It turns out dad hit the acceleration by accident. I see and dash out the door, with Karen following me. She try's to hold me back as I watch their car sink. I start to cry and see people are now watching us. I release myself from her grip and run into the freezing cold water.

Under, I swim down to the vehicle, and see my mom in the window. I could've saved her if I had the time. I try banging in the door, though the water holds me back, and I running out of breath. Water fills the car slowly and I see my parents trying to help me. I swim to the surface and take a deep breath, before going back down. This time, I saw the car filled with water, and swim down at my best, ignoring the pressure building. I race to make it and see mom and dad, unconscious floating in the car. I yell something through the water, and feel something grab me.

It was a lifeguard, as he takes me to shore, where Karen hugs me tightly and I sob.

'Karen they're dead! They drowned!' I say. She and I sit down and she pats my hair.

'It's my fault. I let them drown. I most likely could've saved them. They are gone.' I whisper.

'Julie, no it wasn't your fault. It's okay, just calm down.' Karen soothes.

I wake from my dream and hear talking outside. I approach the door and take hold of the smooth doorknob. I turn it slowly, hoping not to disturb the people.

I tiptoe down the hall and hear Frodo and someone else talking. Because of my racing heart, I can only make out six words, yes I counted:

'Keep it secret, keep it safe.' The other voice says. I understand what he is talking about, and I slowly walk back to the room, but I close the door a bit to loudly.

'Shoot!' I whisper and I run back and pretend I am asleep.

Frodo's PoV:

I hold the ring in the envelope as Gandalf leaves and hear the door shut. I open a trunk and stick it in the bottom. I wonder where Julie is... She probably came in here during the party. I walk to her room and open the door to see her asleep. She looks so peaceful and beautiful when she is sleeping. I walk over to her and put a blanket over her, thinking she is cold. Smiling, I kiss her on the forehead.

'Good night Julie.' I whisper.




Julie's PoV:

I stand in a inn, reading, because Frodo dragged me here. I have lived with him for a while now and he seems sad that Bilbo left him.

'What'll it be?' A girl asks me. I look up to see she has curly blonde hair, and she is drying a dish. I immediately get nervous.

'Oh um just water please.' I squeak.

'I won't bite it's okay.' She says. 'My name is Rosie! Whats yours?' Rosie asks me.

'Oh... Um... Julie. Thank you.' I say and she gives me a cup of water.

'Oooh. Julie.' She says and smiles.

'What?' I say, taking a sip of water.

'Pippin talks about you when he, Merry, and Sam come here sometimes.' She mentions, taking another cup and drying it.

'Well, I barely know hi-' I say, but my words are blocked out when Merry and Pippin start singing. Great. I mean, they are good, but I feel awkward. Frodo grabs two drinks and walks back to his table, with the exception of dancing a bit.

They finish their little song and laugh.

'Well, that was interesting.' I say to Rosie. I finish my water and give her the cup.

'Thank you by the way.' I tell her. She smiles and takes it and drys it, smiling at someone. I see it's Sam and shake my head.

'You know he likes you right?' I ask her.

'Of course I do.' She says.

I chuckle and close my book before saying 'Nice meeting you Rosie.'

'You to Julie! Have a good evening!' She says and I walk out.

I spot a bench and sit down, looking at the stars. When Karen and I lived at out grandparents after the accident, I always hid on the roof, laying down and looked at the stars. I was still ten then, but that day, at the lake, I changed. I actually experienced real loss. It was the climax of my life. With each loss, my grandma being taken by sickness, Karen abandoning me, I became more independent, more shy around people. I don't know who I can trust, mostly because Karen was my best friend, I talked to her all the time, and she left me.

Everyone I loved left me. I imagine myself on the roof of our apartment complex, sitting on the rough wooden roof, looking at the city and stars. There is a sense of loneliness inside, pain wanting to be recognized.

Someone shakes my shoulder, kidnapping me from my fantasy.

'Julie come on. Time to go.' Frodo says. I look at him and nod before we walk back to Bag End. Knowing what will happen, I stop before approaching the gate.

'You okay?' Frodo asks as he opens it.

I nod and look at the darkness in the hole. 'Yes- um, I think I need a moment alone. You can go inside. I will meet you in there.

He goes inside and I sit on the ground by the gate, fiddling with a piece of grass. I hear rustling away from me and spot Sam approaching the window. Slowly, I get up and open the gate, trying to make it not squeak. I spot sam and try to get his attention.

'Pst. Pssst!' I whisper. He sees me and I mouth 'What are you doing?' He responds 'I heard raised voices.' I am about to mouth something else when I hear something very interesting:

Frodo: um... Gandalf(that's his name), Bilbo and I, well me mostly, have been housing this girl for two months now.

Gandalf: Frodo... Does she know of the Ring?

Frodo: no I haven't said a word.

Of course he hasn't.

Gandalf: well, she cannot stay here either.

Frodo: she is sitting by the gate. Do you want me to tell her?

Gandalf: no. She is outside the door.

I feel myself panic and the door opens. A tall man in a grey cloak stands there. He grabs my wrist and yanks me in the hole.

'Gandalf be careful! She is very timid!' Frodo says, pulling me from Gandalf's grasp.

'Julie, get your stuff, we are leaving.' Frodo whispers in my ear. I nod my head as I rub my wrist and walk to my room, grab my purse, and walk out, knowing what dangers lie ahead now.


Yay! It's done! And my first after-chapter writing... commentary... thing.

Okay.... Well bye:) hope you liked. Ch. 5 is coming.

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