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Hello wonderfully awesome readers! well, hope you like this!


Legolas PoV:

I saw Julie staggering in the mines since I pulled out the arrow. As I carried her out, I noticed she passed out, presumably from the poison in the arrow. I know just what can save her from death. Athleas. The hobbits sit down and mourn their friend Gandalf, and I am confused. This is what death does to people. I wouldn't know because we elves are immortal.

'Aragorn! She was shot with a poisonous arrow. We need Athleas!' I yell in elvish as I set her down.

'It does not grow in these parts Legolas. She will have to hold until Lothlorien. Wake her up!' Aragorn says.

I squat down next to Julie's face and shake her shoulder.

'Come on Julie hang on.' I say. She stirs in her sleep and slowly opens her eyes. I carefully bind her side for now, just until we reach Lothlorien.

'Legolas,' she says, sitting up. 'What happened?'

'You were shot with an arrow and fainted. We need to get to Lorien so do you think you can walk?' I ask her. She nods and stands up.

'Legolas! Get the hobbits!' He orders.

'Give them a moment for pity's sake!' Boromir argues.

Julie's PoV:

The pain is uncomfortable, but nothing I haven't been put through before. I stand up to see Merry holding Pippin, who is sobbing his little heart out. Sam is crying as well and I see Frodo carrying a look of despair. I walk over to him and hug him, patting his back.

'I didn't know Gandalf, but I know you did Frodo. It's okay. I've delt with loss before. It will get better.' I comfort. He hugs me back and I feel him weeping on my shoulder. I can't help but release a tear for him, but it also is from the stinging in my side.

'Hey we have to go now okay?' I say, pulling away. He looks at me with his sad eyes and nods. Man those eyes are pretty.

'You do have pretty eyes Frodo. Don't ruin them with the burden of tears.' I tell him. Whoa. Where did that come from? I am turning into my sister! Jeeze.


Pippins PoV:

We walk through a meadow, into these woods. Merry and I are keeping an eye on Julie, who, occasionally staggers from the poison in her. I am now worried about her more than ever. She has grown deathly pale, and holds onto her purse for dear life.

'Pippin, I should tell you-' Merry starts.

'What Merry?' I ask, accidentally interrupting him.

'It's about... Julie.' He hints.

'Shh! Stay close young hobbits! They say a sorceress lives in these woods, and all who come in fall under her spell'. Gimli says and I hear a noise and look to the side, only to have an arrow pointed at my face. I look to the front and see a elf approach us.

'The dwarf breathes so loudly we could've shot him in the dark.' He says.

'Then let us go back.' Boromir says.

'You cannot go back now.' The elf interjects.


Pippins PoV:

We approach two high elves, and they look at us.

'Nine of you are here, yet ten set out from Rivendell. Where is Gandalf?' The man asks. I look to Frodo who is saddened with grief.

'We lost him in Moria.' Aragorn says.

'The quest stands upon the edge of a knife. Stray but a little, and it will fail, to the ruin of all. Yet hope remains while the Company is true.' The woman says. 'Rest now, for you are weary with sorrow, and much toil.' She tells us. As the company starts to walk away, I approach the lady.

'Um, excuse me, my friend here is sick. Do you think you can help her?' I ask, and they both look at me.

'Of course.' The lady responds and I see elves go and help Julie somewhere, hoping she'll be alright. I start to follow them, but her husband says, 'No, leave her until she is well. Join your friends.'


Julie's PoV:

I can't remember much from what just happened. What I do, however, is myself being laid on a elven bed thing and a bunch of stinging and smarting from my wound. It hurt really bad, and I don't understand why. It's just a wound. When it's over, they bind it up and put me to sleep.

I wake in the middle of the night, and am glad that all that pain is over. I wonder if I have the strength to get up. The room is dark and I can tell that I was moved with the others. Wow. Did that just happen? Did I really almost die for a boy I barely knew? I get up slowly and walk into the cool night air to fully see the beauty of Lothlorien at night.

The moonlight reflects in a blue tint on the few lights in the air. I feel the cool breeze on my face for the first enjoyable time since we got out of Moria. I wish I could stand here forever. There is a person approaching me from behind and I look, trying not to reveal my tears. It's Pippin.

'Julie.' He whispers loudly and embraces me like a sister. Why is he hugging me? And why was he so worried when I was about to die? He hates me.

'I thought I lost you.' He says.

'Why would you care? You don't even like me.' I tell him and push him away. 'Oh my gosh sorry was that a hard push? Sorry.' I apologize quickly.

'Its okay. Why wouldn't I be concerned? Me or Merry?' He asks.

'Because you don't like me. I hear you say it in Moria. It's okay I never had any friends who liked me after...' I trail off.

'After your parents died?' He asks. I look to him with sad, yet shocked eyes.

'Y-yes. How do you know-' I ask, but he cuts me off.

'It seemed obvious. What happened?' He asks.

I shouldn't bother denying it. I sniff and start the battle between my tears and explain.

'When I was ten, my parents drowned. And then when I was twelve, my grandma died of sickness. After that, my grandpa started abusing my sister and me. He started hitting us when we didn't do anything. Her name was Karen. She sort of took care of me for the first year after my grandma died. Then... She left me.' I say, feeling the knot form in my throat. 'She left me. She was the only one in my family who I loved left. My grandpa started getting drunk and taking drugs. It was hard for me to live like that. I didn't have any friends to talk to about, just bullies.' I add and close my eyes, bringing my hand to my forehead. I sniff and feel a tear go down my cheek.

'I am sorry.' Pippin says. 'Why didn't you tell me? Or Merry? We wouldn't have minded.'

'I just don't want to get attached. If I get attached to friends, they will leave me.' I say.

'Merry and I won't leave you. I can promise you that. I should also thank you for taking that arrow for me in the mines.' He says. I gasp quietly and hug him.

Pippins PoV:

Wow. I cannot believe she's gone through that, and still stays strong. I meant it when I said Merry and I wouldn't leave her. I feel her quiet tears on my shoulder and I pat her back. I wish I could tell her I like her, but that would be taking it to far. Let's just take baby steps.


Yay! She lives! Okay, I must say something. The next chapter is the last one. In the summary of my story, it says it spans over all three movies. I was wondering if I should create a whole new story for TTT and ROTK, or just keep adding new chapter to this one... just wondering, mostly because TTT is kind of short( I've pre-written it as well, but not ROTK yet.). Anyway, just wondering. If you want, you can comment. Okay bye:)

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