Chapter Two.

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Peter tossed the Math textbook up into the air, catching it and twirling it between his hands. Ned fidgeted with the LEGO Death Star pieces, sitting on the floor by Peter's bed.

"I'm telling you, it's Alice's book. Just go over to her in English class and hand it over to her." Ned said, glancing up from the LEGO figurines.

"And how am I supposed to say that I know that it was her book?" Peter said, sitting up from the bed, ruffling his hair agitatedly.

Ned gave him a weird look. "Look, man, I don't know, just say that you asked around or something? You're Spider Man!" Peter looked unconvinced, opening his mouth to say something. "Are you sure Liz is the one you have a crush on?"

Peter shut his mouth. "Let's get this Death Star built."

"I can't believe my best friend is the Spider Man. And we're building LEGO together."


Peter sat in English class the next day, his hands gripping tightly to the Math textbook under his desk. Ned sat beside him, doodling some changes to the Spider Man costume in his notebook.

Peter tapped his foot on the ground, tapping the table with his hand rapidly. Ned looked over, mildly annoyed

"Peter, chill out, man. It's really no big deal. Really."

"I know, Ned- "

Alice walked into the classroom, taking her seat in front of Ned.

"Go on," Ned mouthed, raising his brows. Peter cleared his throat loudly. Grimacing when some of the other students scowled at him from their little pockets of friends. And of course, Alice didn't hear him. Just his luck.

"Uhh, A-Alice," Peter started, staring into the back of her head, hoping that he would somehow get her attention that way.

Ned nudged him, taking out imaginary earphones from his ears. Oh. Peter tapped her on the shoulder. Alice turned round. Finally. She pushed up her glasses and took out her headphones.

"Uh, this is yours I think, I found it in the cafeteria," Peter mumbled, passing the Math textbook to her.

She flicked to the first page to check if her drawings were there. "Thanks," Alice smiled at him. "I've been looking for this. Mr Addams has been giving me Hell."

Peter smiled back. "Yeah, he's pretty... yeah."

She grinned. "You're asleep half the times you're even in that class, how would you know that?" She chuckled. "Thanks, Peter."

"Yeah. Yeah, no problem."

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