Chapter Three.

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Over the next few days, Peter and Alice became closer. He would borrow her notes and tried to copy her homework surreptitiously but she noticed anyway and let him. Peter would wake Alice up with a nudge if the teacher was handing out homework or assignments, or if it was the end of class. It was nice having more than one friend. Even nicer, since Michelle wasn't in any of her classes, but Peter was, so he could wake her up.

They joked around a lot, sometimes Alice would chide Peter good-naturedly about falling asleep in class, regularly skipping school, and not doing his homework, because he just had so much potential. Peter would just laugh it off and promise to do better.

Michelle joined them at lunch and after school. She sat by them, reading her books, making her usual dry comments at stupid things. Usually at stupid things Peter did. Or sometimes stupid things Peter said. Mostly at Peter overall. But it made both of them laugh.

Today, Alice was drawing next to Michelle on the steps outside school, as usual. Peter and Ned walked out of the building, Ned asking him questions excitedly in a hushed voice, Peter answering him, his eyebrows scrunched up in laughter, and maybe light annoyance.

"Hey, are you- are you guys going to Liz's party?" Peter asked, his hand grasping his backpack strap to readjust it.

"We got invited!" Ned said, his face lighting up.

"Wow, how'd you manage that?" Alice quirked an eyebrow, a smile playing at her lips.

"Well, I told Liz that Pe-," Ned started, but Peter cut him off.

"Oh, you know, the Academic Decathlon Team, y'know? She- she invited us during gym." Peter said, his hands in his pockets, avoiding Michelle's gaze.

"Are you guys really going? It sounds lame," Michelle said, looking up at them from behind her book.

"Lame, really? It's a party. With Liz Allen." Ned stared at Michelle, wide eyed. "Besides," He added, nudging Peter's side with his elbow. "Pete has a huge crush on Liz!"

Peter sputtered, eyes widening. He glared at Ned, blood rushing to his cheeks and neck. Michelle snorted and rolled her eyes, as she did to most things most people did.

Alice laughed. "As if literally the entire student body didn't already know that," Alice teased, grinning up at Peter's blushing face.

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