Chapter Six.

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A/N: Hi! I had a lot of fun writing this chapter, I love writing Michelle so much. Maybe because we're basically the same person.

Read, feel, enjoy.



Alice and Michelle left the party. Neither of them talked about why, and Alice was grateful for that. Liz said bye to them at the door, and she seemed pretty oblivious as to why they were leaving.

"Hope you guys had fun," Liz smiled, genuine and nice, as always. "Bye."

"Bye," Michelle said, waving. Alice smiled gratefully.

Liz waved and shut the door. Alice sighed, turning on her heel and walking down the driveway, Michelle followed suit. They walked in silence for a few minutes, Michelle rummaging in her pocket for her keys. She put them between her fingers, the sharp ends sticking out.

"Liz is... nice," Michelle said after a minute or two.

"She let us use her toaster," Alice replied, happy to be making light conversation but dreading the inevitable-

"So, d'you wanna talk about it?" Michelle asked timidly. Alice sniffed, smiling lightly.

"Maybe later. Or tomorrow. Or never," she said, stuffing her hands in her pockets.

"Sure, sure," Michelle said, swinging her hands. "D'you want to borrow one of my books?"

Alice laughed, it sounded quite loud in the quiet suburban street. "That's the Michelle way of comforting people," Alice said, smiling. "I'm borrowing The Importance of Being Earnest."

Just then, a bright blue-ish light blazed from behind them. They jumped, turning around to see an explosion or beam of light of some sort that was being blasted into the air, really far away.

Michelle glanced sideways at Alice. "No way, buddy," Alice yelped as she grabbed her arm. "You look ready to take off running."

Alice felt mildly insulted. "I'm not about to run into an explosion!"

"Of course you aren't," Michelle rolled her eyes. "But I can be almost eighty-seven percent sure that you are about to go closer to it."

"How would you know that?" Alice questioned. "Eighty-seven percent is very specific."

"I'm smart, observant, and you're my best and only friend," Michelle explained, listing the statements off on her fingers. "Even if you find out what the Hell that thing was, what are you going to do next?"

Alice sighed. "I don't have an answer for that."

"You aren't Spider-Man, girl." Michelle grabbed her wrist, turning her around. She put an arm over her best friend's shoulder. "Get it together."

They walked away, both probably looking a little drunk.

"I still want to borrow that book from you!"


A/N: Add this to your library if you want to be notified when I update! Also, leave me a comment and vote, I love feedback, and it helps me improve! I promise I'll finish the epilogue today, then, I'll update daily.


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