Chapter Eleven.

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A/N: This was a really fun chapter to write, actually. I always love writing Michelle. Anyway, I talked too much in the author's note last time, so on we go!



"God, he's making my job so much more difficult than it already is," Michelle exclaimed, sprawled out in Alice's bed. "I don't have enough energy to kick his ass."

Alice tipped her chair back, balancing on two of its legs. She blew her hair out of her face.

"OK, I know I'm supposed to be comforting you, but this is too many times that he's been a dick. Stop sulking," Michelle said, throwing a book at her. "I brought you the book I promised to lend you," she added, pointing at the book on the floor, which she had just used as a projectile.

"You abuse your books," Alice said, tipping her chair back further to grab it from her bedroom floor. "Oscar Wilde doesn't deserve this."

Michelle rolled her eyes. "Get off your ass and stop sulking."

"I'm not sulking!" Alice objected.

"Yeah, sure you aren't," Michelle said, sarcastic. "Let's just go to homecoming together. It's just another lame party."

Alice sat on the bed, flopping over Michelle's legs. "OK," she said.

"Get off my legs," Michelle said, annoyed, kicking Alice lightly.

"No," Alice said, clinging to the sheets, both of them ending up in a tangle of limbs and blankets, laughing and yelling at each other.


On the day of homecoming, Alice had absolutely nothing to worry about, yet there she was, worrying.

"OK, I'm about to walk out the door. What are you worried about?" Michelle asked, looking in the mirror to fix her hair like Alice instructed her to. "Jesus, you're getting me worked up, and it's just a stupid dance."

Alice rested her hands on the dresser, watching Michelle grapple with her frizzy head of curls. "Here," she said, pulling it back and pinning it up for her. Michelle scrunched up her face, unimpressed. She tugged out a few strands of her fringe, combing it to the side with her fingers.

Michelle proceeded to pick up an eyebrow pencil, drawing in her brows.

Alice looked up at her reflection, fixing her hair to the best of her ability. She dabbed at her lips with a red stained finger, blending the deep red colour. She squinted at her reflection, checking her eyeliner and eyebrows.

She had worn 'the bare minimum' according to the videos on YouTube she had hastily watched in a moment of alarm. Apparently the bare minimum was to fill her eyebrows, do eyeliner, and lipstick.

Michelle helped her with most of that, smacking her when she opened her eyes without her permission, smudging her eyeliner.

"You sure do know a lot about make-up for a person who doesn't care," Alice said, watching Michelle effortlessly draw her eyebrow. "Thanks for helping me do mine." She added, thankful.

"No problem," she said, grabbing her lipstick and dabbing some on her cheeks and lips. "I go to a lot of weddings. And I get bored sometimes. Give me your face," Michelle added, grabbing Alice's face and dabbing some of her lipstick on her cheeks. "Blend that."

"You know how to perfectly flick the tail for eyeliner, and you know how to use lipstick as a cheek blush but you can't even tame your hair," Alice joked, leaning in closer to the mirror, dabbing the pigment on her face gingerly.

"What can I say," Michelle said, nodding her head to the music Alice had put on earlier. "Other than, 'I am better than you', of course."


Alice and Michelle walked down the stairs, Alice in a pale icy blue dress which, like Michelle's, had sheer fabric at the top around her neck and shoulders. The skirt part was made of a ruffle-y tulle fabric that reached her knees.

Michelle was wearing a dress that had white sheer fabric on the top. It had fabric shaped like individual sunflower petals, and it had a band around the waist in the same colour, along with the skirt of the dress.

"Oh, goodness! You both look gorgeous!" Mrs Enwright squealed, her hair messily tied up in a bun with a pen sticking in it, strands falling out. "Wait, wait let me take a picture."

Michelle smiled closed mouthed, never one for the camera. Alice smiled at her mother, twitching her legs.

Mrs Enwright fiddled with the camera for a second. "OK, smile!" she said, taking a few photos. "Well, pose, or something! You two look like you're complete strangers!" She laughed, snapping a few more pictures as Michelle and Alice made funny faces, smiled some more.

"Oh, both of you look so beautiful!" she said, looking through the photos.

"Thanks, Mrs Enwright." Michelle smiled, with teeth, now that the camera wasn't pointed at her. She looked pretty guiltless for having lied to her a few days ago.

"Alright, both of you ladies in the car," Mrs Enwright said, shooing them to the backseat of her car. "I'll be picking you two up later, as well, OK?"

"Yeah, mom," Alice said, checking the time on her phone. Michelle buckled her seatbelt, looking over Alice's shoulder to look at the time as well.

"Buckle up, young lady."

"Yes, mother," Alice said, handing her phone to Michelle so she could use the camera.


"OK, both of you, have fun! Don't run off with anyone to drink in a parking lot, be smart!" She leaned out the window to wave them into the high school.

"Thanks, mom," Alice said, grasping her mother's hand.

"Thanks sending me, Mrs Enwright," Michelle said, smiling. Alice rolled her eyes and smiled, out of view from her mother.

"Oh, it's perfectly fine, Michelle, you're like my second daughter!" Mrs Enwright said. She drove off, Michelle waving.

"Ever the one to please my mother, you are," Alice said, her eyebrows raised.

"I need to stay in her good books," Michelle said, striding toward the crowded entrance of the school. Alice half-jogged to keep up.

"First ever homecoming, here we come," Michelle said sarcastically, pushing open the glass doors.

"Midtown High, get ready for the act of the century, Alice-and-Michelle!" Alice joked, putting on an exaggerated voice.


A/N: As always, you guys are probably sick of me saying this over and over, but add this to your library if you like it and want to be notified, and leave me a comment to help me improve! I'm really sleepy, hope you enjoyed this!


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