Chapter Eight.

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A/N: Hi, I've finished writing the entire thing! Yay! Daily updates! Also, I've decided to update two chapters at the same time, thank you for voting in the comments.

Read, feel, enjoy.



"How did you know that he would join? Can you see the future or something?" Alice asked Michelle in a hushed voice, sitting near to the back of the bus. Michelle shrugged. Peter had joined the team again on the day of Nationals, just as Michelle had predicted.

"Hey, pay attention, you guys!" Liz called from the front of the bus. Alice made a face, and Liz just chuckled in return. She was reading questions off of flash cards, and Alice had answered eight questions, all of them correct so far, so she was fine.

Peter was sitting at the front of the bus, giving his full attention to Liz. He hadn't looked at Alice when he jogged over to ask for a place on the team again either, so she wasn't holding out much hope.

Liz asked a couple more questions, before Michelle lost what sparing interest she had and opened her book.

For another half hour or so, Liz fired off questions. As the team slowly got less and less enthusiastic for the practice, she called it off and they slept the other couple of hours that were left.

When they arrived, Alice and Michelle holed themselves in their shared room, reading separate books and chatting casually. Michelle made an effort to make fun of Peter, which fully cheered Alice up. It was pretty fun, until Flash knocked on their door, telling them that they needed to come out and socialize as directed by Liz.


There was a knock on their door at 12 o'clock that night. Michelle tapped Alice's sleeping figure on the shoulder, gesturing towards the rapping on the door. Alice glared bleary eyed at Michelle, who was sitting upright on her bed, finishing off the last pages of her book. "I'm not getting it," Michelle said, grabbing the blankets from Alice before she had the chance to cover her head with them.

Alice stood up, scowling at her best friend, and answered her door.

"Hey, Alice, we're heading down to the swimming pool in, like, ten minutes," Liz whispered, looking profoundly awake for it being midnight. "Grab Michelle, and throw on your swim suit!" Liz had thrown on a crop top and shorts, her brightly coloured swimming suit showing instead of her belly. She had a towel over her shoulder.

"Why, exactly?" Alice asked, more annoyed at being woken up than anything.

"Rebellious group activities are good for morale," Liz explained swiftly. "I read it from a coaching book. This is the second time I've had to explain this to someone tonight, now hurry up!" She added, laughing quietly.

At that moment, the rest of the team, sans Peter, as usual, dashed past them, all in their swimwear. "Eleven dollar Snickers, catch!" Cindy exclaimed, lobbing a candy bar at Alice, who caught it.

Liz shushed them before walking behind them. "Get Michelle and hurry up already!"

Alice turned back into the room, digging through her bag for viable swimwear. She found hers and grabbed Michelle's on the way.

"Liz asked us to be down by the pool in ten minutes," Alice told Michelle, who had not moved from her spot, but had finished her book.

"I don't feel like swimming," Michelle said, picking up another book from her bag.

"Liz says it's good for morale," Alice said from the bathroom, changing into her one-piece swimsuit.

Michelle groaned quietly, picking up her bag and trying to find her swimming costume. Alice threw on the Midtown T-shirt that she had worn earlier that day. She opened the bathroom door, throwing Michelle's swimming costume at her.

When Michelle had grudgingly changed, they grabbed towels and sneaked their way to the pool.

On their way there they bumped into Peter Parker. Of course. After a second or two of silence, Michelle decided to break the tension.

"You're an idiot, Parker," she proclaimed, rolling her eyes at him like it was habit.

"Hey," Peter said, looking appropriately guilty. He was wearing a grey hoodie and sweatpants. He started scuffing his feet on the floor, playing with his hoodie strings.

"Hey," Alice replied. She was not about to have this conversation with him right now, in her swimsuit.

"Where are you running off to, Parker?" Michelle asked, unabashedly aware how uncomfortable he was.

"Uhm, I'm going to go study at the business centre," Peter said, pointing vaguely behind Alice and Michelle.

"Well, you have fun with that," Michelle stated before walking away with Alice in tow.

"Night, you guys," Peter said, looking kind of embarrassed.

"Thanks, MJ," Alice said, gratefully. Definitely not right now.


A/N: I hope that you enjoyed this chapter! Remember to leave a comment to give me feedback, leave me a vote, and add this to your library if you want to be notified of my updates!


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