Chapter Twelve.

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A/N: The long awaited homecoming chapter! To be fair, I have never been to a homecoming, I assume it's something like prom, but I'm going off of things I've seen in American Movies and TV shows, OK, and I haven't watched a lot of those either.

Read, feel, enjoy.



Alice and Michelle leant their backs against the wall, the hall was still sort of empty. Mostly they were groups of friends and people who went by themselves. "Like loners," Michelle had described them as.

"Hey, guys," Ned said, appearing out of nowhere, just before Michelle opened her mouth to go on another long tangent about the people going alone, most probably insulting them. Ned was wearing a standard black suit.

"Hey, Ned," Michelle and Alice said.

"No hat this time?" Michelle said, raising her eyebrows.

"No," Ned replied, shaking his head. "I don't think it worked last time. Are you two here together?" He asked.

"Yeah. Did you see Peter anywhere? I have quite a few things to say to him." Michelle pushed herself off the wall, crossing her arms.

"I haven't seen him, he's coming with Liz..." Ned trailed off, glancing at Alice as if she would burst into tears at the sound of Liz Allen's names. She rolled her eyes.

"I'm not about to let Peter ruin tonight for me," Alice said, grabbing Michelle by the elbow. "I mean, I'm going to be cringing at the thought of tonight no matter what, right? Might as well have some fun."

"I'm not dancing," Michelle said flatly, narrowing her eyes at Alice.

"I haven't said anything about that yet, but since you mentioned it..." Alice smirked deviously, Michelle snatching her arm from her best friend's grasp.


"Alright, alright, let's just go grab some food or something." Alice dragged Michelle over to the other side of the hall, toward to table covered in platters of school food. Ned trailed behind both of them silently, unsure of whether or not he should be following them.


Alice drank a juice out of a Styrofoam cup, one arm crossed over her chest and leaning back against an empty table. She listened to Michelle and Ned make fun of the couples now trailing into the hall. No one was safe from Michelle's sharp tongue.

She made fun of everyone, including her, Alice, and Ned. "For equality's sake." She said. "I might be a smart asshole, but I'm a fair asshole."

She made fun of Alice's eyeliner and lipstick choice, and then moved on to insult Ned's shoes. "And I've already insulted myself, so we can continue mocking other people."

"Look at Stephanie, is that a dress or an entire species of bird just taped to her body?" She had almost made Alice choke on her drink, Ned doubled over in laughter. It was so much better listening to her jeer at their classmates than listening to The Official Top 50 Pop Singles that the school had put on.

"Look at Brendon and Sarah, they're wearing matching outfits, ew!" Michelle said, pointing to the couple. They looked pretty bedazzled.

"They look like disco balls." Alice blinked.

"Brendon and Sarah are nice!" Ned said, although he was laughing.

"All in good fun, Ned," Michelle said, stretching her arms over her head.


"Ugh, look at- Actually, Liz looks pretty good. And she's nice, but that's just a bonus." Liz walked in, wearing a cherry red coloured dress. The skirt swished around her knees as she spotted them, waving energetically. She looked pretty, as always.

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