Chapter Four.

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A/N: Hiya! Just want to notify that I update every other day, and if chapters are short two will be posted on the same day.

Read, feel, enjoy.



"Hey, May," Alice said, hanging upside down from the top bunk of Peter's bed. She was drumming on the side of the bed with a pencil.

She had finished her homework, and had promised to help Peter with his. But it turns out, she wasn't a very good teacher. Peter frowned, muttering to himself, before giving up and shiftily tried to copy her homework without her noticing.

"Hi, Alice!" May called, smiling broadly at her. She had just walked into the apartment, setting down some groceries on the kitchen counter.

"Hey, May," Peter said, covertly flipping Alice's stack of homework upside-down, covering it with her sketchbook.

Aunt May walked to Peter's room, leaning on the doorframe and chuckling at Alice. "Studying hard?" she asked, glancing down at the books that littered Peter's desk.

"Yup," Peter said, leaning back in his chair and swatting a hand at Alice, who crossed her eyes at him. "Hey, May, I have this party, tomorrow night, d'you think you can drive Ned and I up there?"

"Sure! Wow, a party," Aunt May said, feigning surprise.

"Yeah, it's Liz Allen's birthday," Alice added, swinging a socked leg in the air.

"Oh, I know her! She's the pretty one, right? The captain of the Decathlon?" she said, nodding.

"OK, well, I have some more errands to run, and I got another job interview to go to, so you to be good, alright?" Aunt May said, resting a hand on the top of Peter's head, and looking at Alice. She kissed the top of Peter's head and then walked out the door, grabbing her handbag on the way.

"Be good, dinner's in the fridge, Peter!" she called as she exited.

"Bye, May!" Peter and Alice yelled back, just as they heard the door slam.

Alice grabbed the pole of the bunk bed, flipping herself off and upright again. "So, 'studying hard', huh?"

"Mm-hmm," Peter replied, shuffling through the papers and various notebooks on his desk to look for the homework he was copying off of earlier.

Alice rolled her eyes. "May is way too nice to you."

"If you keep rolling your eyes at me they're gonna roll out of your head and down the street," Peter teased, seizing the stack of homework and picking up his pen. "I'm surprised Michelle's eyes are still in her head!"

"You're really smart, Pete," Alice said, trying to cover the pages of her work with her hands, and failing. "You just need to show up to class!"

"Yeah?" Peter teased back, snatching her wrist and lifting it off the page. "Thanks, but I don't really want to take advice from a person who falls asleep in Math class."

"That was one time, Parker!"

Alice. (Spider-Man: Homecoming)Where stories live. Discover now