Chapter Five.

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A/N: Hiya! This one is slightly longer than the rest of the chapters, but, as most fics go, the chapters get longer each time.

Read, feel, enjoy.



"Why did we decide to come here tonight? We both hate parties." Alice groaned. Michelle was wearing a weird kind of dress. Alice thought it suited her. Michelle just didn't really care.

"We both asked our parents and then we had a back and forth for about 20 minutes on your doorstep, and then I got bored of that and then you got bored of that and then we walked over." Michelle stated, dry as ever.

"Whatever," Alice sighed. "Let's get this over with."

They trudged up to the front door, pushing it open. 'DJ Flash' was playing, people were shout-talking, and almost everyone was carrying a red solo cup.

"Hey, you guys!" Liz walked over, smiling brightly. "You look great!"

"Thanks," Michelle said. "Can I use your toaster?"

Liz blinked. "Sure! Have fun, you guys, there's food and drink in the back." She gave a dazzling smile before walking away to talk to other friends. Michelle squeezed between people to get to the toaster. Alice followed her frizzy brown hair from behind, through the crowd of high schoolers.

Alice sat on the countertop drinking a juice box as Michelle made them toast. It was much quieter in the open kitchen, since everyone was in the living room, listening to Flash's music.

Peter and Ned walked through the door. Ned, as usual, whispering excitedly to Peter. The toast popped up and Michelle handed a slice to Alice.

"I can't believe you guys are at this lame party," Michelle said, spreading peanut butter onto her slice of toast.

"You're here too," Ned said.

"Am I?" Michelle asked, cocking her head. She took a bite of her toast and walked away. Alice smiled at her quirky best friend.

"Hey," she nodded, raising the piece of toast in greeting.

"Hey," Peter replied breathlessly, smiling.


"I mean, at least you aren't wearing those horrible graphic tees that you wear all the time," Alice laughed, noting his plaid button up.

"How do you mean?" Peter asked, confused.

"You know, those T-shirts you wear that always have the nerdy puns on them," she explained, turning toward him.

Alice was sitting on the counter top in the kitchen, Peter leaning against it, his arms crossed. They had been chatting for a while like this, and Ned had wandered off mumbling about "needing to get ready for something".

"Oh," Peter chuckled. "Those. What's so bad about them? I like them!" Peter was smiling widely at Alice.

"Don't get me wrong, I would totally steal some of those from your closet if I was granted the chance, no joke. But it's a party! You want to dress up for it a bit, right?" Alice answered, gesturing with her juice box.

Peter didn't answer. He just smiled fondly up at her.

"What are you looking at?" She asked, giggling nervously.

"Alice, you're really pretty." Peter said, a light blush crawling up his face.

"Oh, Uhm, I-," Alice sputtered, blushing scarlet. She fidgeted with her hands in her lap for a second, picking the nails. "Thanks."

Peter blushed but he didn't look away. Somewhere from inside herself, Alice found a speck of daring. Well, it was daring for her.

"You're not too bad yourself, Pete," she murmured, looking down at her jittery hands.

"Hey," Peter whispered.

"Hey," Alice giggled, tentatively making eye contact. Goddamn, why. Peter's warm brown eyes locked with hers. He gave a really small smile, the kind that people have in films when they see the love of their life. Peter leaned up, and somehow, Alice managed to will her body to close the space between them.

His lips were warm and he smelled like mint. Alice felt tingly and breathless, and somehow, somehow, she managed to make her limbs move. She put her arms over his shoulder, one hand at the nape of his neck; in the curls at the bottom of his hair.

They broke apart and Peter smiled really brightly. Alice looked dazed, with the biggest, goofiest smile playing on her face.


Alice and Peter spent a little while chatting, and unbeknownst to them Michelle and Ned were spying on them from the other side of the room. "Wow," was mostly the only word that had left Ned's mouth since they started spying on them.

And then, Flash Thompson spotted Peter, too.

"PARKER! What's up? Hey, where's your pal Spider-Man? That's not Spider-Man, that's just Ned in a red shirt!" Flash yelled into the mic to general laughter. He was grinning, as he sounded an air horn after each sentence.

Peter's jaw clenched. He was glaring at Flash like he was going to kill him, he looked really embarrassed but he wasn't blushing. Or maybe the weird dim lights all high school parties seemed to have were concealing his blush.

"Peter-, "Alice started, but he stalked off without looking at her. Alice's face fell, her extended arm dropping to her side.


A/N: Hiya, you guys! The much-anticipated kiss!
This updates every other day, and if the chapters are short, two will be posted on the same day.
Hope you enjoyed it, add this to your library, leave me a comment, vote, all that good stuff.


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