Chapter Fourteen.

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A/N: Hi, you guys! I'm so happy that this story went down really well. I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Read, feel, enjoy.



2 Months Later.

The bell rang, and the sound of chairs being dragged and pushed against the floor immediately filled the room. Ms Jones let the students practically run out the door, not bothering to try to get them to stay in the Physics class any longer; it was the end of the week, after all.

Alice shut her sketchbook, stuffing all her books and stationery into her backpack, giving the teacher a quick smile before jogging out the door with the rest of the class.

She creeped up behind Michelle, who was listening to music with headphones in, standing in their usual spot on the steps in front of the school. She grabbed her friend from behind, eliciting a loud string of curse words from her.

"Oh, the end of the week," Alice said, uncharacteristically cheerful. At least, more cheerful than usual, these days.

"Don't get all giddy about it, it's just a painting." Michelle cocked an eyebrow, taking out her earphones.

"Do you have anything to do today? We can hang out," Alice said, hoping the answer would be yes.

"Um, no. I'm not about to walk out of your house smelling like paint and turpentine, people will think I'm a teenage alcoholic." Michelle said, rucking up her bulky backpack. "I'm going to return some books to the library. And then I'm going to that Barnes and Noble near my house to buy one."

Alice shook her head, smiling at her friend. Just then, Peter and Ned walked over, Peter wrapping an arm over Alice's shoulders, making her jump.

"Hey," Peter said, smiling.

"Hey," Alice replied, rolling her eyes.

"OK, I think I'm done being around you two for the day," Michelle said, making a face at them. "I'm going to the library. See you guys, hopefully when you aren't making heart eyes at each other." Alice flipped her off, grinning. Michelle stuck her middle finger up at her best friend, laughing and walking away with her heavy backpack of books.

"We've got a LEGO AT-AT to build at Peter's place," Ned said, gesturing to the general direction of Peter's house with his hand.

Peter chuckled. "Wanna join us on your journey to become a Star Wars nerd?" Peter said, looking down at Alice, who scrunched up her face, miffed.

"Excuse you, but if we ever did a Star Wars trivia quiz, you would have your ass handed to you." She elbowed him in the side, pushing him away from her.

"Hey!" Peter laughed at her, raising his hands to his sides. "But for real, do you wanna come along?"

"No," Alice said, smiling at her boyfriend. "I've got some stuff to do. I'll see you later? In the evening, though."

"OK," Peter said, turning around to walk back to his house with Ned. "Bye!" He called over his shoulder.

"Bye! See you later!" Alice hollered back to him over the sounds of the busy city.


Alice tapped impatiently on the side of her phone, waiting for Michelle to pick up. She held to phone in her hand, facing it toward herself. She had texted Michelle a picture of her painting, but to no reply so maybe her phone was dead.


"What the Hell, Alice? It's so beautiful. What the ever-loving, complete fu-," Michelle said, holding the phone away from her face. She looked over to someone behind her phone, in front of her. "Sorry."

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