Chapter Thirteen.

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A/N: Hi! Almost to the end guys, can you believe it? I can't. The last chapter and the epilogue will be up tomorrow, along with a dedication chapter at the end. Anyway, enough with the talking, here's the chapter many of you were anxious to see.

Read, feel, enjoy.



That night, even though Alice was tired, she stayed up, unable to fall asleep. She resorted to texting Michelle, who wasn't replying, evidently she had fallen asleep long ago. She sat up in her bed, opening her sketchbook to the drawing of Peter, deciding to render and shade it a bit more.

That night, a slightly bloody and bruised Peter Parker knocked on the door. Mrs Enwright, who as usual was staying up late to work, opened it, surprised to see a boy standing outside her house.

"Hi, ma'am. I'm Peter Parker. I'm in your daughter's grade in school. We have a lot of classes together." Peter dabbed at his cut lip after seeing the reaction from the woman in standing in front of him, trying to get rid of the blood there. He hadn't looked in a mirror yet. "I'm really sorry if this is inconvenient, but I wanted to tell Alice something. And – and- actually, can you just tell her that I'm really-,"

"Mom who's at the door-? Oh." Alice walked down the stairs in a pair of sweatpants and an oversized NASA T-shirt.

"Honey, is this your friend?" Mrs Enwright said, her eyes not quite focused.

"Y-yeah. Yes. He's my friend." Alice pressed her lips together.

"OK, then, come in." Much to Peter's surprise, Alice's mom let him in, shutting the front door behind him. "I just need to finish editing this one chapter, Alice, and then I'll be done. I can drive you home if you like?" Peter was truly confused.

"Mom, no, don't drive him home. Peter can walk, can't he?" Alice said through gritted teeth, giving him a look over Mrs Enwright's shoulder.

"Uh, yes, I can. You don't need to, ma'am. Drive me home, I-I mean." Peter stuttered, not looking at Alice.

"Alright, if you're sure," Mrs Enwright said, looking between both of them, putting on the glasses that were in her hair. "Honey, I need to go edit that chapter. Be good!"


Peter stood in the centre of Alice's room, his hands in his pockets. Alice pushed the door shut, taking a deep breath.

"A-," Before Peter could get a word out, Alice pushed past him, taking out a clear plastic first aid box.

"Sit," Alice said, pointing to a spot on her bed.

Peter moved her sketchbook and pencil before sitting on the bed. He clasped his hands in his lap, turning his head to look at the page her sketchbook was flipped to. It was a drawing of him, much to his surprise.

Alice opened her first aid kit, leaving it on the floor. Wordlessly, she got up, walking out her bedroom. When she returned, it was with a cold pack.

"Here," she said, handing it to him. He pressed it to his black eye, grateful.

"Thanks," he said. Alice didn't reply. She got a wet tissue out, and started dabbing at the numerous grazes on his hands, and the few cuts on his cheeks and neck. "Your mom is... nice." Oh, God, what the heck am I saying, what kind of conversation is this?

Alice shrugged. "She's overworking herself. She gets all hazy and weird she stays up all the time."

Peter felt like kicking himself. "Alice, I'm sorry. I am." Alice looked up at him, cold. He bit his lip. "I'm sorry that I led you on, and that I-I ignored you for so long, and that-,"

"It's alright, Peter."

Peter couldn't stop himself from getting angry. "No, it's not, Alice. Listen to me!" Peter pleaded, grabbing her wrists. Alice sighed, looking up at him, emotionless.

"Those grazes should heal fine," Alice said, pointing to the ones on his hands. "Just put on some Band-Aids or something, I've run out."

Peter sat there staring at her. I'm sorry that I'm a huge idiot.

Alice moved on to cleaning the cuts on his face. Peter grabbed her wrists again, making her look at him in the eyes.

"I'm sorry, Alice," he said, voice cracking.

"So am I, Peter."


Alice had applied ointment on Peter's cuts, telling him that it wouldn't stain his pillow, and that he would probably look like an idiot if he went to school the next day with Band-Aids on his face.

"Alice," Peter started.

"What?" Alice said, finally losing it, tears welling up in the corners of her eyes. She turned away. "Peter, I know that we weren't a 'thing'. I know, and I'm tired of apologies, and I'm tired of feeling like shit because of you. I know it's not your fault, I just-," Alice said, hugging her arms to herself, stood facing away from Peter.

"I'm sorry," Peter said softly, his voice cracking again. "I'm sorry. For everything."

Alice didn't turn around. Peter got up from her bed, laying a hesitant hand on her shoulder. When she didn't tense up, Peter pulled her into his chest, giving her a hug.

"I'm sorry."

Alice rubbed her eyes. "I'm sorry, too. For over-reacting. For everything."

Peter gave her a small smile, subconsciously brushing his thumb over her cheek.

Alice leant up and kissed him. And it was like being able to breathe again. She placed her hands on his shoulder, near his neck. Peter still had his hand on her jaw, the other just above the small of her back.

They broke apart. Alice smiling up at him, her eyes half-lidded. She rested her forehead on his shoulder.

"You're alright, Peter." She smiled.

"So are you, Alice," Peter said. "And I like you, a lot."


A/N: Finally, am I right? This was one of the more difficult chapters to write, but I still had fun. Hope you guys did too, drop me a comment if you did, I love reading everything you say, even if I don't reply immediately.

Love you all,


Alice. (Spider-Man: Homecoming)Where stories live. Discover now