Chapter Nine.

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A/N: Hi, this chapter is a little more action packed, so have fun!

Read, feel, enjoy.



The day of the competition, Alice started freaking out.

"Oh my God, oh my God, oh, my God." Alice had not panicked this hard since her first day as the 'new kid' at Midtown High.

"For real, Alice, pull yourself together!" Michelle said, sounding somewhat annoyed, a sign that she, too, was panicking. "You're one of the smartest girls in our school, and you are not about to lose us the competition just because you fell asleep in one Math class!"

Cindy and Flash were also really anxious. Liz was too, but she didn't express her nerves outwardly, rather biting her nails and pacing, unlike Flash, who was reciting topics to himself, and Cindy, who was snapping at everybody, and listening avidly to Flash.

"Where are Ned and Peter? We're going to be late!" Cindy exclaimed, twitching her hair out of her eyes.

"I'll go call them," Liz said, mostly to the teacher, who nodded. "Maybe they just overslept. You all know what Peter's like."


Peter did not show up, much to the delight and horror of Flash. When asked about him, Ned just shrugged and said that he didn't know where he went.

It was the final round of the competition: Sudden Death. Flash and Cindy held their hands over their buttons, waiting for the question to be asked. Alice stared directly at a spot on the table in front of her, not really looking at anything, her eyes out of focus.

It was a Math question. Great. Just perfect. Alice screamed inwardly, hoping with all her might that Flash wouldn't be stupid and press the button without thinking-


Alice jumped, looking at Michelle, who was sitting directly next to her. Alice made eye contact with Ned, who gave a nod.

"Midtown Tech?"

Michelle paused for a second. "Zero,"

"That is correct!"

Alice sighed in relief, hugging Michelle tightly, who gave a small smile. Ned hugged her too, cheering loudly along with the rest of the auditorium.

"I think we need a nap," Michelle said to Alice over all the cheering.

"Do we ever," Alice agreed, as Liz walked over to accept the trophy.


After the excitement of winning the tournament, Mr Harrison brought the thrilled students to the Washington Monument, all of them eager to do something boring and touristy, that didn't require much brain power.

"Taking it all in, Michelle?" Mr Harrison asked, walking next to Michelle and Alice.

"Oh, yeah, I just... Well, I don't really wanna celebrate something that was built by slaves." Michelle gripped her open book with both hands, inclining her head. Same old Michelle.

"I'm sure the Washington Monument wasn't built by slaves," Mr Harrison said, trailing off and spinning around to look at it. The security guard gave him an apologetic look, shaking his head. "OK. Enjoy your book!"

"Thanks," Michelle said, readjusting the yellow Midtown Academic Decathlon Blazer that was ties around her waist.

Alice pondered to herself for a moment, before turning to Michelle and saying: "Hey, I'll see you later, I'm going up."

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