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" Always"


The soft blue eyes of April fell onto the deep brown ones of Elise. "You love her don't you" April said as she focused her eyes onto the ocean as they sat on the cliff. The sun was out but it was still chilly.

Elise played with her fingers, pulling at the skin at the top wincing a bit. "I guess I do but I can't leave Marci and she can't leave her dick husband" Elise confessed leaning her head onto April's shoulder.

April sighed. Letting her hand rub Elise's back "Why do you stay with Marcia anyways she's hurting you and basically abusing you"

"She's never hit me"

"She doesn't haft to"

Elise tried to speak but nothing came out. Nothing. She just stared into the ocean from the high cliff. Thoughts flooded her head.

The strawberry blonde spoke breaking the silence between them "See you know it's true, leave her Elise. You can stay with me" April encouraged. Elise didn't speak. She couldn't. April was her best friend, and she was right. Even if she did leave Marcia, could Dahlia leave her husband.

"I'll always be your rock, but you need your anchor"

April broke the silence once again. Elise looked at April, knowing exactly who she was referring too. "I don't know what to do. Marci says she loves me but she just puts me down" Elise said as her voice cracked in the middle of the sentence.

"She doesn't love you. E. She's loves controlling you"

Elise nodded. It was the truth she just refused to accept it. She kept her head on April's shoulder looking out at the shore.

"You need to get away from her-" April began but Elise's phone started going off. "Bet you it's her telling you to come home" April said angrily. Earning a frown from Elise. Not because it was mean but because it was true.

"Give me two days" Elise sighed "I'll pack only the meaningful things" She got up slinging her camera bag over her shoulder. Heading to her car she unlocked the door tossing her camera bag to the passenger seat before starting the car and driving home.

The drive seemed slow, not that Elise was complaining. Thinking about the whole situation made her want to break down but she knew that it wouldn't help. Pulling into the drive way, Elise sat in the car resting her forehead on the steering wheel. Resting and gathering her train of thought.

Once she got out of the car and made it inside there Marcia was waiting for Elise with her arms crossed and a scowl expression on her face. "Who where you with!" Elise flinched a bit and reassured herself it was only temporary. "April" she whimpered. Marcia forcefully stole a kiss from Elise's lips.

The blonde retreated up the stairs to the dark room, locking the door behind her. She sighed looking at her phone of all the pictures of her and Dahlia. Those where good memories. You could look at tell that she was happy.

A/n: Sorryyyy for the short chartered but it was more of an introduction to April. I hope everyone likes the story so far and trust me drama is about to erupt.

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