Part 5

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Part Five


Johnathan was curled up in Tracy's arms, still enjoying his high after what Tracy had done to him. He had continued to make love to her all night into the morning.

He heard muffled voices that made him freeze. There was no way anybody could be on the boat. It was just supposed to be him and Tracy on the boat all night. They had until Friday to leave for the crabbing grounds.

He heard them again and cursed under his breath, causing Tracy to wake up.

"Hi," he smiled at her as she woke up. Her hair was messy and her eyes were sleepy.

She smiled back at him. "Good morning. It's morning, right?"

"Yeah it is. I have to go and check something out on the boat. Just stay here while I see what's going on. Don't leave this room," he ordered.

"Wait what? John are you serious? There's people on the boat?" Tracy asked. She sat up in bed with the bed sheet tightly wrapped around me.

"It's okay, I'm sure. Just let me see who it is. I keep hearing noises. No one is supposed to be here."

He kissed Tracy on the forehead and got up, showing his sexy ass to me, making Tracy to giggle.

"It's not funny," he swatted at her playfully.

"You have such a cute ass though," she laughed at him, laying back in bed.

"You're impossible," he laughed, pulling on his jeans and shirt.


Andy needed to grab a few things and he decided to have Sabrina come with him to the boat. It had been a while since she had been on the Time Bandit.

They were up in the wheelhouse when John stumbled upstairs, causing them both to burst out laughing at him.

"What the hell? Andy, seriously? You're not supposed to be here," John snapped.

"Hey, it's my boat too. Plus I forgot something. Relax, it will just be a few minutes anyways." He chuckled at John, seeing he had his shirt inside out and no socks on. "You should check yourself in the mirror before leaving the bedroom next time."

Andy walked downstairs to the kitchen area to make coffee.

"Wait, where is Tracy? Did you bring her here on the boat?" Sabrina suddenly realized what was going on with John.

"Ugh!" John groaned, running his hands through his hair. "Yeah, she's here. I need to go down and let her know it's safe to come out. Make sure you get Andy off the boat for me though, please."

"Okay, I'll make sure we get off the boat. He will stall if he knows you want him gone, you know that right?"

They both went downstairs to see Andy about ready to go into the joint bedroom he shared with John.

"Fuck Andy, don't open that door!" Johnathan snapped, but it was a little too late.

Andy opened up the door and they heard a scream from Tracy, who was just getting up and was half naked.

"Shit Tracy, I'm sorry! I didn't know!" He closed the door as she threw a pillow at him. He was beet red. "Man, John, really? Bringing her here on the boat? That's why they have hotel rooms!"

He mumbled to himself as he sat down at the table in the galley.

"You're not staying," John snapped back at Andy. He had to go and fix things with Tracy.

Meanwhile, Sabrina was trying not to laugh at the situation in front of her. "You two stop! I'll go and check on Tracy. Andy's right though Johnathan. Next time stay in a hotel room. It's more private," she giggled, walking up to the bedroom door and knocking. "Tracy, it's me, Sabrina. Can I come in?"

"Yeah," Tracy mumbled, sitting on the bed, embarrassed.

Sabrina went and sat on Andy's bed. "I'm so sorry. We had no idea you were here with Johnathan or that he had this planned for you two."

She was so embarrassed. "Luckily, Andy didn't see too much, just me in my bra and jeans."

"It's okay, trust me. I'm sure he's just as embarrassed. I'm pretty sure John is giving him a licking right now. Why don't you come out so we can fix this?"

"I'll be right there. Let me finish getting dressed."

Sabrina smiled. "So you and Sabrina, huh?" she winked at me and patted my arm. I giggled and nodded my head. "That good was it?" she asked as she got ready to exit the room.

"You have no idea how good it was," I laughed.

"Oh, if he's anything like Andy is, I think I already know that answer," she laughed. "I'll see you out there."

Tracy took a deep breath and checked herself in the little mirror in the room. When she opened the door, they were sitting at the table talking. She blushed as soon as her eyes met Andy's. He smiled at her, which made it better. She sat down next to Johnathan.

"I'm so sorry, Tracy. I had no idea. I wasn't thinking. It's all new to me with you and Johnathan," Andy apologized.

"Um, it's okay Andy. Maybe next time knock if the door is closed," she said, smiling at him and blushing.

They all let out a laugh. This was one situation none of them would forget anytime soon.


Axel and Ashlee stayed in bed all evening and made love several times until they both gave in from exhaustion. She was wrapped in his arms when they heard his phone buzz. He sat it was from a fan on Instagram. There was a picture of Johnathan and Tracy getting on the boat together. The caption read "Captain Johnathan Hillstrand's New GF?". It was already getting a lot of buzz.

"Shit," Axel mumbled.

"What is it?" Ashlee asked, brushing her long hair out of her face.

"Here, you will see it's trending."

"What's trending?"

He handed his phone to her and she looked at the picture. There was Johnathan with his arm around Tracy's waist, guiding her onto the boat.

"Man, people need to find something else better to do than snap pictures of you guys. Seriously. Tracy is going to be pissed. What about Johnathan?" she asked, sitting up, seeing all the buzz.

"He's not going to be happy about it, that's for sure. He was trying to keep it quiet for a bit until she got used to everything. He didn't even want the cameras from the show following them around," Axel told her.

"Well, he seems like he wants to protect her privacy so I'm sure they will make it work. What did he have planned with her, do you know?"

"Nope, he wasn't telling any of us. He's pretty protective of her."

Axel wrapped his arms around Ashlee, not letting her out of his grip. He had one more day planned with her and he wasn't going to let it be wasted with his uncles and their drama.

"What do you want to do today?" she asked him, smiling at her fiancé.

"What do you want to do?" he questioned, kissing her forehead.

"Umm, that's a tough question. Why don't we make breakfast then watch a move and come back to bed. I only have you for one more day before you head out and I'm not sharing you with anyone else today."

Axel liked her way of thinking. It sounded perfect to him.

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