Part 19

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Part Nineteen


The storm raged on and they canceled school. It was too dangerous to drive in so Rose was home with us. We enjoyed our time together snuggling and stealing kisses when we could without Rose seeing too much.

Johnathan was in constant contact with Andy who was running the Time Bandit. The boat was doing good and the guys were going to have their quotas by Christmas.

The morning of the 19th, I got up early. I had the cramps again. This time they were sharper than before.

I dashed into the bathroom. It was then that I noticed the blood on the tiled flooring. I came out in a panic.

"Johnathan," I moaned. I touched his arm, causing a small moan to escape. "Johnathan!"

I felt a sharp pain go through my back. I fell down on the side of the bed. Johnathan flew out of bed.

"Tracy! God, you're bleeding baby! I'm going to call for help!"

I couldn't argue with him. I had no strength in me.

"Rose! We need to get Rose to the neighbors. Their numbers are on the refrigerator. They know what to do," I told him.

"Okay, it's going to be okay."

He called the neighbors and told them what was going on and then called for help. Rose was a mess, worried about her mother. Johnathan didn't want her to see Tracy that way. He rushed her off as soon as the ambulance arrived.


They carried Tracy away into the ambulance. Johnathan couldn't think straight. He called Andy as he was driving to the hospital.

"Time Bandit," his brother answered.

"Andy! Look I can't talk long, but they've rushed Tracy to the hospital. She's having issues with the baby. I don't know what's going on." He wasn't thinking clearly.

"Shoot John, is she okay?"

"I don't know. She was bleeding and passed out. They rushed her to the hospital. I'm here now."

"Take some deep breaths, Johnny. She's tough, she'll be okay. Call me back when you know something."

They hung up.


The guys had been pulling through the night again. They were so close to their quotas now. Maybe just one more day.

"Neal, I need to talk to you. Come up," Andy spoke over the intercom and then turned to the film crew. "You guys can't film this at all. Got it?"

"Sure thing, Andy," the cameraman replied. He turned off his camera and left him alone to talk to Neal.

"What is it?" Neal asked when he came into the wheelhouse.

"Johnathan just called in a panic. They had to rush Tracy to the ER. She was bleeding and passed out," he explained.

Neal sat down. "Is she okay? Is Johnny okay?"

"No, he was in a panic. We should tell the family, Andy."

"Why don't we wait until we know more? I'm going to call Sabrina. Can you take over for me?"

"Yeah of course," Neal said, taking over the wheel.

Andy went down to his room to call his wife.


Johnathan rushed into the ER and to the front desk.

"I need to see my girlfriend. She was just brought in," he said.

The receptionist looked at him. "Name?"

"Tracy Luciana. She was just brought in bleeding. My name is Johnathan Hillstrand."

"Give me a few minutes Mr. Hillstrand."

She looked down at her papers and Johanthan sat down to text his son.

A nurse came out a few minutes later.

"Mr. Hillstrand, the doctor will be out in a few minutes," she informed him.

A few minutes seemed like an eternity to John.

A tall, older gentleman dressed in a button up shirt and slacks with a lab coat came out from the back.

"Mr. Hillstrand? I'm Dr. Williams. Why don't we go into the conference room?"

Johnathan followed him. "Just be honest. Is she okay?"

"She's lost quite a bit of blood, but we got that managed. Though, I'm afraid she had a miscarriage. These things can happen when things are stressful, and to women who are older," he explained. "But the main thing is that she will be okay. She can go home in a couple of days, but I'm putting her on bed rest for a couple of weeks. I know she has a daughter. Is there help available for her?"

"Yes, there's me," John said.

"Good. You can go back. She's in the ICU right now, but we're transferring her in the morning to another floor."

"Does she know about the miscarriage?"

"Yes, she does?"

"Was it something we may have done? I mean..."

Johnathan was finding it hard to be truthful with the doctor about what they had been doing the night before. But the doctor understood.

"Mr. Hillstrand, I don't believe you caused this. It could have been a number of things."

Johnathan followed the doctor to the ICU. When he came to the room, he was startled to see how pale and tiny she looked all of a sudden.

"I'll leave you here," the doctor said, leaving.

"We have her on some fluids, Mr. Hillstrand," the nurse said. "Let me know if you need anything."

The nurse left them alone. Tracy was sleeping. Johnathan didn't want to wake her. He sat down in the chair and took her hand in his, gently kissing it. He closed his eyes and dozed off with her hand in his.

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